Kinzer-Ursem receives 2015 Showalter Trust Award

Professor Tamara Kinzer-Ursem has been selected to receive research funding from the Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Trust Fund. The award will fund her research project entitled "Surface Optimization for Selective Protein Capture and High-Throughput Assay Development".

The Ralph W. and Grace M. Showalter Trust was established in 1975 to support research in the areas of:  environmental research, biochemistry and molecular biology, disease diagnosis and treatment, technologies for food development, and medical instrumentation.  Kinzer-Ursem, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, researches protein-bound surfaces, which are used by biomolecular technologies to detect and quantify protein interactions with pathogens, toxins, drug targets, protein biomarkers, or cellular signaling molecules in a wide range of ecological, medical and pharmaceutical applications. 

The objective of this project is to quantify the impact that surface treatments have on minimizing non-specific protein interactions and maximizing protein function. The results will be used by Kinzer-Ursem and colleagues to develop new platforms for: screening kinase and phosphatase inhibitors, measurement and quantification of protein-protein interactions, imaging protein structure via cryo-electron microscopy, and novel protein-nanoparticle biosensors.