Thendral Kamal
Hometown: Dubai, UAE
Major: Design
Why did you choose Aeronautics and Astronautics?
When I was 16, I constructed an experiment to be tested onboard a parabolic flight. Experiencing what it felt like to be weightless inspired me to become an astronaut and building the experiment instilled a knack for engineering in me.
Best event or organization you’ve participated in within AAE?
Purdue Space Day and attending the Outstanding Aerospace Engineers banquet in 2023 as Purdue’s first international Brooke Owens Fellow.
Best event or organization you’ve participated in outside of AAE?
Purdue Society of Women Engineers- I’m passionate about STEM and aerospace outreach, and SWE gave me the opportunity to inspire K-12
Why did you want to be an AAE Ambassador?
I have always enjoyed mentoring students on finding their passion and career paths, and would like to give back to the AAE community this way. I have completed a 3-session co-op at Delta Air Lines as an Aircraft Structural Support Co-op and a summer internship at SES Satellites as a Space Sustainability Intern- I believe that information on my career journey so far will be helpful to current and prospective AAE students, especially international students.
Favorite place on campus?
Tsaocaa in Chauncey, which is technically off campus, but it is my favorite place to debrief and de-stress with my friends after a particularly challenging midterm or final. A close second is the ARMS atrium. Looking up at the statue of Neil and sitting at one of the seats under the Apollo I command module reminds me of my dream of becoming the first Indian woman to set foot on Mars, and how I stand upon the shoulders of giants like the Apollo astronauts.
Favorite class you’ve taken thus far and why?
Introduction to Aerospace Design (AAE 251). This class is the reason I decided to specialize in Aerospace Systems Design, and I loved being taught by Prof. Karen Marais, who is a very engaging lecturer. I met her through this class, and she remains one of my closest mentors today. She also introduced me to ‘Angle of Attack’ by Mike Gray, which remains my favorite aerospace-centric book.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a potential AAE student?
Don’t be afraid to be yourself and show your passion for things other than aerospace engineering when speaking with a recruiter at a career fair.
Who is someone you look up to in the Aero/Astro industry and why?
My list of role models is endless, but I look up to Sirisha Bandla the most. As the third Indian woman to go to space, I can see myself best in her shoes. I am proud to call her a good friend after I had the opportunity to interview her for the Purdue College of Engineering!
What motivates you to succeed?
I’ve followed my dreams of working as an aerospace engineer and eventually becoming an astronaut since I was 13 years old. I’ve come too far to quit now!
What is your ultimate career goal?
To become the first Indian woman to step foot on the planet Mars.
What do you like to do when you’re not studying/in the lab or classroom?
I love swimming at the Purdue Aquatic Center! I spent Spring and Summer of my freshman year working as a lifeguard there. If Indiana were closer to the sea, I’d enjoy paddleboarding and scuba diving more frequently, but I save these activities for my summers back home or when I’m in Atlanta for my co-op.