Abby Mizzi

Hometown: Bloomingdale, IL
Student Classification: Junior
Major: Design


Why did you choose Aeronautics and Astronautics?
I have a passion for aircraft and want to be a design engineer for military aircraft.

Best event or organization you’ve participated in within AAE?
Industrial Advisory Board where students can chat with industry executives and learn about various career paths after college.

Best event or organization you’ve participated in outside of AAE?
Society of Women Engineers has been a fantastic community and helped me meet incredible friends and mentors. 

Why did you want to be an AAE Ambassador?
I love the AAE program and enjoy talking with prospective students and families. When I was applying to college talking to current students was incredibly helpful in making my decision to attend Purdue and I'm excited to give back as an ambassador for the school.

Favorite place on campus?
The hand statue

Favorite class you’ve taken thus far and why?
Aerospace sophomore design because I learned so much about aircraft and spacecraft design. The professor Dr. Pourpoint was also so cool and told the most amazing stories about his career and aerospace fun facts.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a potential AAE student?
Start going to office hours early and ask questions. There are so many people who want to help you succeed you just need to ask.

Who is someone you look up to in the Aero/Astro industry and why?
Eileen Collins because she has had an incredible career as a test pilot, NASA astronaut, and Air Force colonel. She piloted and commanded a Space Shuttle mission and is incredibly kind and caring.

What motivates you to succeed?
I want to make an impact with my career in military aircraft. I know that all the hard work during undergraduate will pay off when I am designing and testing aircraft everyday as a career.

What is your ultimate career goal?
Design engineer for defense aircraft

What do you like to do when you’re not studying/in the lab or classroom?
I love spending time with my friends, going to games, hiking, doing yoga, and catching up with my family.