Harshavardhini Manivannan

Hometown: Reno, NV
Student Classification: Junior
Major: Propulsion

Why did you choose Aeronautics and Astronautics?
I love space and I'm really hands on so I combined my two interests!

Best event or organization you’ve participated in within AAE?
Women in Aerospace (WiA)

Best event or organization you’ve participated in outside of AAE?
Admissions Ambassadors (Campus Tour Guides!)

Why did you want to be an AAE Ambassador?
I want to help people learn more about Purdue's AAE program and hopefully help prospective students in their college decision process!

Favorite place on campus?
Jedi Council Room

Favorite class you’ve taken thus far and why?
AE 251 because of my teammates and it helped me realize I'm in the right major.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a potential AAE student?
Go to office hours and make friends, they'll help you through the homework and life.

Who is someone you look up to in the Aero/Astro industry and why?
Sally Ride because she was the first American woman in space and her story is incredible.

What motivates you to succeed?
Knowing that it gets me one step closer to where I want to be.

What is your ultimate career goal?
Work at NASA!

What do you like to do when you’re not studying/in the lab or classroom?
Hangout with friends, go to Purdue sports games, watch the NFL, read, and go to concerts!