Alex Kmetko
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Major: Autonomy and Control
Why did you choose Aeronautics and Astronautics?
I have loved things that fly for almost as long as I can remember. Staring out the window of a plane has never gotten old for me. AAE gives me the opportunity to work on things I marvel at and love.
Best event or organization you’ve participated in within AAE?
Purdue Space Day. It was really fun getting kids excited about Aerospace.
Best event or organization you’ve participated in outside of AAE?
Study abroad. That experience was one of the best I've had at Purdue.
Why did you want to be an AAE Ambassador?
I was unsure about Purdue when I first came here. Interactions with other students, my professors, and various university ambassadors have made me grow to love Purdue and AAE. I wanted to be an ambassador to help unsure students like myself see how amazing Purdue AAE is and give back to a program I love so much.
Favorite place on campus?
HSSE Library, its a really nice place to work and normally not busy.
Favorite class you’ve taken thus far and why?
AAE 364 (Control System Analysis) - I really enjoy math and this class shows some really interesting applications of the map I've learned. This is also one of the few classes where I have genuanely enjoyed doing my homework.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a potential AAE student?
Almost everything is better when you have a group to share it will. Form an AAE study group and it will make a lot of the tough classes easier and you might make some friends.
Who is someone you look up to in the Aero/Astro industry and why?
Sally Ride. Her story is amazing and she was the first American woman and first known LGBT person in space which inspired me.
What motivates you to succeed?
I really enjoy learning new things. Additionally, there are so many amazing applications to what we are taugth. Both of these really motivate me to learn more and succeed.
What is your ultimate career goal?
Leading a design team at a UAV technology company.
What do you like to do when you’re not studying/in the lab or classroom?
I love hanging out with my friends and when I get time working on personal projects.