Julia Gabennesch
Hometown: Westfield, IN
Major: Astrodynamics and Space Applications
Why did you choose Aeronautics and Astronautics?
When I came to Purdue, I was uncertain about what engineering discipline I wanted to pursue. Through joining extracurricular clubs and finding out more about different disciplines, I learned that my academic interests align best with the AAE program. I chose Aeronautics and Astronautics because it is the intersection of coursework I am interested in and real-world applications that inspire me to never stop learning.
Best event or organization you’ve participated in within AAE?
Purdue Space Program is a great way to get hands on experience, and my involvement in the club was impactful in developing my passion for aerospace engineering. This organization encompasses a variety of student led projects, and students who join can learn countless valuable skills.
Best event or organization you’ve participated in outside of AAE?
Purdue Tennis Club
Why did you want to be an AAE Ambassador?
Being an ambassador gives me the opportunity to share what I've learned about the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics and interact with others who are interested in Purdue AAE.
Favorite place on campus?
The terrace at the Lawson Computer Science building!
Favorite class you’ve taken thus far and why?
My favorite class thus far is Dynamics and Vibrations (AAE 340) because the content both challenged my critical thinking skills and created an engaging learning experience. Also, the course was a great introduction to orbital mechanics concepts.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a potential AAE student?
I would recommend studying with others in your classes because talking through concepts always helps me understand and remember them better..
Who is someone you look up to in the Aero/Astro industry and why?
I look up to Janice Voss who was Purdue's first woman in space, and she played a key role in several missions which demonstrated cutting-edge technology.
What motivates you to succeed?
I am motivated to succeed by the collaborative environment in my classes and the knowledge that I am working toward something which will make a difference.
What is your ultimate career goal?
My ultimate career goal is to help improve life on earth as engineer in the commercial space industry.
What do you like to do when you’re not studying/in the lab or classroom?
When I'm not studying, I'm spending time with friends, running, making coffee, or planning fun trips!