Jared Bright
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Major: Propulsion
Why did you choose Aeronautics and Astronautics?
I love everything about space! From rockets to satellites to rovers, the incredible engineering behind these technologies has always fascinated me.
Best event or organization you’ve participated in within AAE?
Purdue Space Day! I love talking (perhaps to much) and the kids made a great audience!
Best event or organization you’ve participated in outside of AAE?
I've loved being involved with the AIAA Design, Build, Fly (DBF) team for the past two years. DBF gave me great experience working on practical projects, helped me meet some of my best friends, and really challenged me when it came to the fly-off competition! Even though I've left it because I want to do more rocket work, DBF is nonetheless my favorite.
Why did you want to be an AAE Ambassador?
When I was applying to schools, talking with current student really helped me to decide what was the right decision for me. Now I want to pay that help forward to the next group of incoming students.
Favorite place on campus?
Periodicals section of HSSE! It's the right combination of cramped and cozy. Plus the old book smell is impeccable.
Favorite class you’ve taken thus far and why?
AAE 338 - Thermal Sciences. This class gives the necessary background needed to study propulsion systems in much further depth!
What is one piece of advice you would give to a potential AAE student?
No matter where you go to school and no matter what major you pursue, get involved on some sort of technical project. Clubs provide great opportunities to really take the skills you're going to be learning and apply them onto a real application. Plus, they are always really fun!
Who is someone you look up to in the Aero/Astro industry and why?
I've never been one to look up to a single particular person. Incredible feats of engineering are always group efforts and while there are of course exploratory individuals, I've always found my role models in the accomplishment of teams as a whole - such as the engineers who made it possible to reuse entire rocket boosters - rather than an individual.
What motivates you to succeed?
I'm a very naturally curious person and so I strive to never stop learning. Whether it be academics or elsewhere, there is always me more to learn and that's what pushes me to success.
What is your ultimate career goal?
I want to work in industry on rocket engines. Rocket engines are the tech that make all of space flight possible and combine all of my favorite topics together
What do you like to do when you’re not studying/in the lab or classroom?
Typically I'm either hanging out with friends, reading, or hiking depending on the weather!