CE 597 (029) Adjustment Notes, Fall 2008
- matlab command summary
- solve 2x2 linear system of equations
- listing of matlab triangle solution
- listing of matlab function
- summary of post adjustment statistics
- derivation of confidence interval/region
- matlab function to compute circular error
- exam1 and solution
- routines to resize matrix/vector
- demo of redundancy numbers
- source code for inner6
- zip file with files needed for inner6
- comparison of starnet and hw solutions
- documentation for starnet v. 6
- executable for windows install of starnet demo
- annotated listing for Matlab GUI
- session 01 notes: errors, model elements, redundancy
- session 02 notes: observations, residuals, cond. eqns., I/O, O/O, params, obj. func., LS examples
- session 03 notes: I/O, level network
- session 04 notes: O/O, collinear lengths, lagrange multipliers
- session 05 notes: jacobian, diff. wrt vector, vec/mat obj. func., sigma_0, weights, matrix LS
- session 06 notes: matrix O/O, LS taxonomu, coord. transf., weights
- session 07 notes: LS examples, NE by summation, NL LS
- session 08 notes: root finding, newton iter., 1D-nD, linear LS inside newton process
- session 09 notes: NL LS, trilateration, triangle
- session 10 notes: matrix rank, derivatives: analytical, symbolic, numerical
- session 11 notes: EP, statistics, LS as projection, AB=0, density, expectation, z, t, MVN
- session 12 notes: expect., covariance mat., correlation, scale cov. mat., EP law, 1,2-step, I/O EP
- session 13 notes: EP nonlinear, Qxx, Qlhlh, Qvv, Q, EP O/O, post. adj. stat., hyp. test
- session 14 notes: global test, 1/2 side, confidence interval, z,t
- session 15 notes: review exam, conf. region, conf. ellipse
- session 16 notes: post/prior sig0-sqr to scale Q, conf. ell., chi2, F, plot ell., eigenvalue
- session 17 EXAM I
- session 18 notes: conf. ell., conf. circle, plane coord. obs., dist, az., angle
- session 19 notes: angle cond. eqn., RHS 2-pi ambiguity, network plot
- session 20 notes: organize matlab for big problem, 8 par. pseudo LS, 2-ray intsc. ps. LS, RPC, over-p
- session 21 notes: RPC, normalize coords., 3D grid obj. spc., pseudo inv., 3D rot., euler, extr. ang., 7par
- session 22 notes: full M, extract ang.'s, axis-angle, quaternions, gen LS, x&y obs.
- session 23 notes: GLS examples, circle fit, A structure, 7 par.
- session 24 notes: GPS, PRN code, acquisition/correlation, nav. message detail, orbit, RINEX, pseudorange
- session 25 notes: pseudo range, CORS data, ephemeris, re-analysis, conf. ell. plot, blunder IRLS, DS, L1
- session 26 notes: EP for GPS, IRLS, L1, median, DS-baarda, redundancy number
- session 27 notes: L1 derivation, linear program
- session 28 notes: some geodesy computations, GPS references
- session 29 see slides above for Matlab GUI demo
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