Air Breathing Propulsion
Analysis of operating characteristics of turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft, afterburning, and ramjet propulsion systems. Analysis and design of inlet, diffuser, combustor, compressor, turbine, nozzle. Component matching and off-design performance for steady-state and transient operating lines. Inlet distortion, nozzle-afterbody, and installation losses.
Credit Hours:
3Learning Objective:
1. Understand principles of operation of turbojet, turbofan, and turboprop engines. 2. Develop the ability to analyze complex one-dimensional compressible flow phenomena. 3. Develop the ability to perform fundamental component design and analysis. 4. Develop the ability to perform component matching . 5. Develop the ability to predict on-and off-design operating points for an engine.Description:
Analysis of operating characteristics of turbojet, turbofan, turboshaft, afterburning, and ramjet propulsion systems. Analysis and design of inlet, diffuser, combustor, compressor, turbine, nozzle. Component matching and off-design performance for steady-state and transient operating lines. Inlet distortion, nozzle-afterbody, and installation losses.
Topics Covered:
Fundamentals of 1-D compressible flow, Turbomachinery cycles, Performance criteria and component efficiencies, Turbojet and turbofan cycles, Component characteristics, Equilibrium line and off design matching, Single spool matching, Dual spool matching, Turbofan matching, Engine acceleration/deceleration, Compressors, Combustors, Turbines, Inlet systems.Prerequisites:
Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics.Applied / Theory:
50 / 50Web Address: Content:
Syllabus, grades, lecture notes, homework assignments and solutions.Homework:
Homework assignments range from traditional homework problems to mini-projects. Will typically be one assignment a week. Absolutely NO late homework will be accepted for any reason. However, your lowest homework score will be discarded. Homework will be accepted via email (Faculty or TAs email).Projects:
Required. Mini-projects will involve topics such as coupled component analyses, off-design gas turbine matching, and inlet/isolator matching and will typically require computer solution; often involving fairly complex iterative procedures.Exams:
2 midterm exams and 1 final exam.Textbooks:
Official textbook information is now listed in the Schedule of Classes. NOTE: Textbook information is subject to be changed at any time at the discretion of the faculty member. If you have questions or concerns please contact the academic department."Gas Turbine Theory", Saravanamuttoo, Rogers, Cohen and Straznicky, 6th Edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9780132224376.