Student Responsibilities
To ensure that your Purdue degree remains well respected over time, it is essential that we maintain a high level of academic integrity for our exam process. That is why some instructors require you to take exams in the presence of an approved proctor.
Call your exam site to identify any guidelines or instructions specific to your exam site, such as exam proctoring fees, walk-in appointments, exam arrangements, alternate contacts, office hours and so on. The student is responsible for any fees accrued during the semester.
It is your responsibility to make arrangements with your proctor. You do not have to take the exam at the same time as the on-campus students (unless instructed otherwise), but you do have to take it on the same date unless you have prior approval from your professor to take it on an alternate date.
If your proctor has trouble accessing your exam, they should contact or by calling (765) 494-7015 if there are any questions about receiving, administering, or returning your exams.
You are able to identify a primary and backup proctor. You must fill out a proctor request form for every course that requires an in-person proctor, each semester. Proctors need to be approved ahead of time. It takes 2-3 business days for proctors to be approved. You are encouraged to submit proctor requests well ahead of your first exam to ensure that you receive approval in time.
If your primary proctor is unable to administer your exam on a scheduled date you will need to identify an alternate proctor by filling out the proctor request form This person must be either a supervisor or HR representative, if at your employer, or a proctor at a public exam site such as a testing center or library.
If you are unable to take the exam on the scheduled date you must contact your professor prior to the scheduled date and request to make alternate arrangements. Please copy on any related correspondence. Please note that the professors have the right to refuse to allow students to take exams on alternate dates.
Returning students must request their exam Proctor each semester for each course by filling out a proctor request form
Your Purdue email account is the primary means of communication for e-billing, important announcements and critical date reminders from the university.
Please be sure to add to your address book or safe senders list to ensure our emails are not caught in any filters.