October 11, 2024

EEE Travel Assistance Scholarship

Looking for a funding opportunity to assist with costs associated with your Study Abroad, Global Experience, Service-Learning Project, Conference, etc.?

Students seeking monetary assistance for travel costs associated with studying abroad, presenting research or other educational activities should have an initial discussion concerning the intended program with Tammi Thayer to determine if they are eligible.

Apply at https://engineering.purdue.edu/EEE/Engagement/Travel_Assistance_Request_FormApplications are due October 30. 

Purdue Calendars

2024-2025 Academic Calendar

Various drop/add calendar with deadlines, and future years of academic calendars can be found at https://www.purdue.edu/registrar/calendars/index.html.

Key Dates: 

  • Thanksgiving Break, Wednesday-Saturday, Nov. 27-30 
  • Quiet Period, Monday-Saturday, Dec. 2-7 
  • Classes end Saturday, Dec. 7 
  • Final Exam Period, Monday-Saturday, Dec. 9-14

Winter 2024 Schedule of Classes

The Winter 2024 schedule of classes will be published in myPurdue portal Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Registration will begin on Monday, September 16. See your primary advisor for questions or visit https://www.purdue.edu/thinksummer/winter-session/register.php 

Financial Responsibility and Emergency Contact Holds

The Office of the Registrar has placed these common holds on ALL student records as of 8/23/24. Please address these holds in your myPurdue portal as quickly as possible.

Emergency Contact: How to release tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrOEx1Ihf00

Financial Responsibility: Release a Financial Responsibility Hold

For more detailed instructions: https://www.purdue.edu/registrar/currentStudents/students/holds.html

Water and Infrastructure Resilience: Public Health and Extreme Events Study Abroad

From March 13th to 25th, 2025, join Dr. Whelton in London to study the effects of disasters on infrastructure and human health. Students will be introduced to systems, infrastructure, and professionals working to support critical infrastructure like drinking water systems and public health in the UK. Participants will earn 3 credits in EEE 49500, and EEE will count this as EEE Selective credit. 

Info Session:  Dr. Whelton will conduct an info session for those considering the program: Wednesday October 16 from 1:30-2:30pm in Potter Engineering Center Room 234 (Fu Room) .  

Study Abroad page: Water and Infrastructure Resilience: Public Health and Extreme Events-UK

See the flyer or the course description for more information. 

Job Corner with Ms. Whelton, PE

This section is prepared for the newsletter by Ms. Margaret Whelton, PE.  She is the EEE Manager of Industrial Experience.  The responsibilities of this position include working with industry to secure internships, co-ops, and full time job opportunities for students; developing real world senior design and research projects; and facilitating partnerships between industry and Environmental and Ecological Engineering. She has twelve years of experience as a practicing environmental engineer prior to becoming part of EEE.  She is a registered professional engineer in Indiana, Virginia, and Alabama. 

One of the best ways to find out about job opportunities and secure employment is by networking. Many people talk about how important networking is to finding opportunities.  But you may be wondering, how do I go about networking?  I’m not sure where to start or what “networking” really means.  Per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, networking is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business”.  

So who would be the group you would “network” with?  Anyone-friends, family, friends of family members, professors, Purdue students, people you meet (at dinner, coffee shops, conferences i.e. anywhere), professionals at career fairs.  The point of networking is to establish a relationship and common interest with someone.  The best way to do this per Keith Ferrazzi in his book “Never Eat Alone” is to adopt a “giving mindset” when meeting someone.  What does this mean?  When you met a person, instead of automatically thinking about (and directly conversation toward) how to have the relationship benefit you, think about how to connect with and help the other person.  And continue to help them. Relationships are a two way street.  If you sincerely help others and want to get to know them, they will want to help you out in the future.  You are working towards building a positive reputation and genuine connection with that person.  Networks take time to build.  In the future, your connections will be more likely to help you. 

This may seem like your network is composed only of people you have a significant relationship with.  You should also establish and maintain weak ties-people you don’t frequently see, but who you would be comfortable asking for help.  Weak ties will probably be a significant part of your professional connections—you don’t have time to maintain deep relationships with everyone.  You still need to keep “regular” contact with these people-and not by including them on a group email or text.  Let them know how you’re doing/ask how they are doing once in a while. Maybe this is someone you see periodically at an event, it could be just once a year.  Or perhaps you could wish them a happy birthday or congratulate them on their work anniversary and see how they are doing.  Since this part of your network will be composed of quite a few diverse people, this is probably where you will find out the most about opportunities. 

So now we come to your “ask”.  Don’t be afraid to let people in your network know you are looking for an environmental internship or full time job, in a specific location/region (if you prefer) and see if they know of any positions or someone who may be able to help.  Make sure your ask is specific, it makes it easier for the other person to process the request and give you helpful information.  “I’m looking for a job” isn’t very specific and won’t give the other person enough information to be able to help you.  And don’t forget to be polite when you ask.  You never know who your acquaintances know, so ask!

Here is a link to the summary of the book “Never Eat Alone” that gives you great tips on topics to discuss when you first meet someone, how to approach someone/start a conversation at a conference, etc.  https://medium.com/karlbooklover/never-eat-alone-6a50a73e9d15

Learning how to network doesn’t just benefit you now, it will help you throughout your career and your life.  The sooner you start, the better you will get at connecting to others and the stronger and larger your network will become over time. 

Spring 2025 course: EEE 47200 Community-Engaged Engineering Design

This Category B EEE Selective will award students the opportunity to lead the design and implementation of a community-based urban water project. Instructor approval is required and space is limited. Email Dr. Lindsey Payne (paynel@purdue.edu) with an up-to-date resume and a statement of interest no later than 11/1; 5PM. More information can be found here

Spring 2025 course: ENGR 49600 Peer Educator Training Course 

Students who complete this 2-credit course will become nationally-certified peer educators. See the flyer for more information here

Questions can be directed to Kristy Eaton (kmeaton@purdue.edu). 

Engineering CARES Hub 

The Community, Assistance and Resources for Engineering Students (CARES) Hub is now open. The mission of the CARES Hub is to build Boilermaker engineers by developing awareness, well-being and community for students through outreach, direct access to mental health resources and community-building programs designed to equip students with the skills and mindset needed to be thriving students and thriving future engineers. Find more info on the CARES webpage.

The CARES Hub Engineering Lounges can be found in ARMS 1261 and 1264. They have study tables, relaxation spaces, a microwave, printer, refrigerator, and snacks for student use! The hours for the fall semester are below.  The lounges will be closed during Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks.  

M: 9-4:30
Tu: 9-7
W: 9-7
Th: 9-7
F: 9-4:30
Sa: 11-4
Su: 3-9 

CARES Hub Lego Building Competition

On October 24th from 4-7 pm, the CARES Hub is putting on a building competition! More information, as well as a registration QR code, can be found here

Indiana AWMA Hazardous Waste Facility Tour

On October 23rd from noon to 2pm, the Indiana Air and Waste Management Association will be hosting a tour of the hazardous waste facility at Purdue. Register with Dr. Robin Ridgway (ridgway@purdue.edu). Tour is limited to 20 students. More information can be found on the flyer

Study Abroad Scholarships

The Global Leaps scholarships are available to financially support students who want to participate in study abroad programs. 

The following websites contain their information: 

ACEC Scholarships

ACEC Indiana extends scholarships to Indiana residents planning on working in consulting engineering in Indiana after graduation. The application is open until March 14th, 2025

More information can be found on the flyer; submit an inquiry form here

All-Indiana Global Grant Scholarship

Indiana Rotary clubs are accepting applications for a $40,000 All-Indiana Global Grant Scholarship that will enable a scholar to study one to four years in a graduate program at any qualified university outside North America. The 2025-26 program is open to students who have graduated or will graduate by May 2025 from a four-year Indiana college, or who maintain a legal residence in Indiana.

The application deadline is Friday, December 20, 2024 and interviews with finalists will be held via Zoom on Saturday, January 25, 2025.

More information about the scholarship and application process can be found at www.rotaryglobalscholar.com or by contacting Bob Morrison & Dwight Thompson at apply@rotaryglobalscholar.com

Purdue Health Sciences Virtual Open Houses (Environmental Health Sciences/Toxicology)

The Purdue University School of Health Sciences is hosting virtual graduate program open houses this year for students to learn more about these fields, Purdue, and meet individual faculty and students. If students are interested but unable to attend, they can still register to receive the presentation materials and recordings.

Students can register for all open houses at https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7WY5ruZp6mbZ9Ge. Questions can be directed to Karen Walker (kwalker@purdue.edu). 

Purdue Fall Undergraduate Research Expo

Undergraduate students have until Oct. 17 to submit their abstracts to present a research talk or poster on their research or creative endeavors during the 2024 Purdue Undergraduate Research Expo.  See details here.

Next Gen Program 

Next Gen is a career preparation program for students interested in sustainability, energy efficiency, or building decarbonization. Applications are due by October 31st

See the flyer here. The link to apply is here

Fall LEED Training Opportunity

EEE students should understand that LEED is one professional certification. Earning a PE license in engineering requires considerably more education, knowledge and experience, and all EEE graduates are qualified to eventually earn a PE license, which is significantly more valuable. On occasion, an EEE student will ask about LEED. LEED is more within the domain of the Arch Engr group within Civil. The LEED Green Associate (GA) credential is the only entry level sustainability designation and shows employers and clients that you have certified knowledge in the green building industry. Most people can take a short course and pass the LEED certification test. As a courtesy, the following info is being provided. It is not required or necessarily endorsed.

LEED is simply a sustainability scorecard for green buildings. Buildings can become LEED Certified; people can become LEED accredited! LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - Webinar and Online self-paced options:

1. October 19 2024 – 1:00PM – 5:30PM EDT

2. November 16 2024 – 1:00PM – 5:30PM EST

3. December 14 2024 – 1:00PM – 5:30PM EST - OR -

4. On-demand recordings completed at your own pace

The above options (1-4) are identical.

Resister for a live webinar or start with on-demand recorded workshop completed anytime at your own pace here: https://leadinggreen.com/online

This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home.

Course cost: $300- students can use the coupon code 'green' for $100 dollars off (Discounted course price $200)

Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at info@leadinggreen.com

Engineering Academic Support - Resource Webpage

Did you know the College of Engineering has a webpage dedicated to listing academic resources for classes, such as Supplemental Instruction, resource rooms, and how to find a free tutor for some key engineering classes.  Free tutoring is available for some CE and ME courses. Tutoring sessions are scheduled through BoilerConnect, choose Polytech Engineering Tutoring appointment type to schedule. Visit https://engineering.purdue.edu/Engr/InfoFor/CurrentStudents/index_html to see what else is available to you to help.

Academic Success Center (ASC)

The ASC offers a collection of services and programs designed to help students be successful in the classroom. Be proactive and review available resources now. Don’t wait until things get difficult to manage.  ASC provides: Study Skills Consultations, Peer Success Coaching, Supplemental Instruction (SI), Workshops, Accountability Groups, and much more.  See ASC’s offerings at https://www.purdue.edu/asc/

QUESTIONS? For more specific information about each service, be sure to check out their homepages, or Email academicsuccess@purdue.edu, call 765-494-4700, or visit Wiley C215.

ASC Accountability Groups

As we near the midpoint of the semester, students struggling with procrastination, study skills, or focus should consider joining an Accountability Group. Accountability Groups are a dedicated time where students come together for dedicated work time, which helps prevent isolation and distraction when studying. Groups are scheduled to meet all semester for 90 minutes once a week. To be assigned to a group, students can submit a request form: https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4UFA3lkHooBOxvw

CAPS Services for Fall 2024

Check out the CAPS Welcome Letter for an overview of services they are offering this semester! 

The Anxiety Toolbox is a 3-week workshop aimed to help students understand and cope with their stress and anxiety. Register here (drop-ins are also welcome). 

Let's Talk: Do you have a brief concern, like daily stressors, academic performance, relationships or anything else that you'd like to speak about with a CAPS clinician? Let's Talk sessions are confidential, informal drop-in consultations happening throughout the fall semester.  Fall 2024 locations are:

  • HICKS Undergraduate Library LGBTQ Center Conference Room Tuesday's 12 - 2pm
  • Graduate Student Center room 112 Wednesday's 12 - 2pm
  • KRACH room 238 Friday's 12 - 2pm 

This document provides QR codes for all of their services. 

How to Schedule an Appointment with EEE Advisors

EEE and other Engineering students can access the Environmental and Ecological Engineering appointment calendar via BoilerConnect. EEE currently has In Person and Virtual appointments, depending on the time and day.

There are training resources available to students in BoilerConnect on the login page. Click ‘For Students.’  Advisors and service offices across campus use BoilerConnect for making appointments, so these instructions are generalized. 

Student Self-Help Guides:

Registration Troubleshooting

Having trouble registering, adding, or dropping? Need an override for a class? There are many resources on the EEE Registration Tools page, such as instruction links for Scheduling Assistant:

The Registrar page also has links for most common registration issues at  https://www.purdue.edu/registrar/currentStudents/index.html

How to Get Undergraduate Research Experience in EEE

Interested in pursuing research with EEE faculty? Students are welcome to reach out to individual faculty that they feel best matches with their interests. Learn more and find instructions on how to approach your search at https://engineering.purdue.edu/EEE/Academics/CurrentStudents/UndergraduateResearchEEE.

QUESTIONS? For more specific information about each service, be sure to check out their homepages, or Email academicsuccess@purdue.edu, call 765-494-4700, or visit Wiley C215.

International Student Workshops from the CCO

The below workshop is being held by the Center for Career Opportunities. It is virtual and requires preregistration. The topics are job search strategies and successfully finding a job in the US as an international student. 


Boiler Financial Track

Located in the Wellness Suite within the Co-Rec, Boiler Financial Track provides free personalized financial education and resources to help students manage their finances, budget effectively, and plan for their financial future. It offers workshops, one-on-one coaching, and online tools that empower students to take control of their financial well-being. For more information, visit Boiler Financial Track or contact boilerfinancialtrack@purdue.edu

Virtual Sessions:

JCPenney Suit-Up Event 30% Off Coupon

This one-time use coupon can be obtained by texting BOILERS to 67292. This coupon is valid from August 24th to November 2nd, 2024. Redeemable in-store or online. 

EEE Social Media Accounts

Stay up to date with EEE events and info by following on social media.  Go to this link where you can choose which accounts to connect with. 

Civics Literacy Requirement 

Purdue University adopted a civics literacy graduation requirement for undergraduates who entered Purdue in Fall 2021 or later. If you fall in this category, and you have not completed the requirements yet, then now may be a good time to get started. To see details and various resources click here. Questions may be directed to CivicsLiteracy@purdue.edu.

Professional Licensure & FE Exam: What is it? When to take it? How to prepare?

The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam is typically the first step in the process leading to the P.E. license. It is designed for students close to finishing their engineering degree or recent graduates. The FE is a computer-based exam that is administered year-round at NCEES (National Council of Examiners for engineering and Surveying) approved Pearson VUE test centers. FYI – Purdue has an approved test site.  The FE contains 110 multiple-choice questions. The exam appointment time is 6 hours long, which includes a nondisclosure agreement, tutorial (8 minutes), the exam (5 hours and 20 minutes), a scheduled break (25 minutes), and a brief survey.

What is professional licensure all about and why is it important?  Learn more at https://www.nspe.org/sites/default/files/resources/pdfs/GR/2017handouts/2017%20-%20What%20is%20a%20PE%20document.pdf

The EEE website has an information and resource page - click here. This page highlights NCEES, the Environmental Exam, links to various sites to register for the FE, what study sessions are offered on campus (not all apply to EEE, though), how to purchase study guides, and other resources to consider.

EEE FE Exam Reimbursement Program for EEE Seniors

The EEE FE Exam Reimbursement Program is meant to encourage and support EEE students to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam during their time at Purdue. It offers 100% reimbursement with a passing score and 50% reimbursement for a failing score on the FE. Once the student takes the FE, they are to provide proof of their test date and score along with an itemized receipt to Dr. Robinson, nlrobins@purdue.edu. The deadline for a reimbursement request is the last day of the month in which the student graduates. Only one reimbursement per student will be allowed.

FE Environmental Engineering Review Manual

The EEE office has this manual available for check out - all 754 pages!  The manual includes sample questions for each test section of the exam, and step by step solutions are provided. Seniors are welcome to this manual for loan for a 72hr period to review and study. See Tammi Thayer in the EEE office to check out the manual.

EEE Main Office in POTR 364: Hours of Operation

The EEE main office is located in POTR 364. Office hours are currently: M-F 8am-4pm. Unscheduled “drop-ins” are discouraged. Instead, make an appointment with your EEE advisor, either Tammi Thayer or Maeve Brewer, via BoilerConnect. For other staff or faculty, reach out direct via email to arrange an appointment.

POTR Building: Hours of Operation

POTR building hours of operation are 6am – 11pm, 7 days a week.

If doors are locked during these posted times, contact the Purdue Police non-emergency number at 49-48221.

EEE Computer Lab in POTR 360

The EEE Computer Lab is available for all EEE students and is located in POTR 360; next door to the main EEE office. See attached agreement for student conduct and use protocols.  

**Key Pad Entry Code** – 523837  which corresponds to JAFVER for Prof. Chad Jafvert (minus the "t").  Prof. Jafvert instructs EEE 36001 this fall, and rotates teaching EEE 300 in spring.

EEE maintains this computer center for academic & social activities. Its use is a privilege reserved for EEE students and those enrolled in EEE courses to work, study, and access dedicated EEE computers. There are 12 desktop computers with internet access and a printer/scanner. The room contains additional tables, chairs, and whiteboards.

Hand sanitizer has been placed by each computer station.

In general, be respectful to others and the property.  Always log off of computers before leaving the room.  Do not lock a computer for later use.  Do not move or alter any of the computer systems.

If you wish to place items on the wall, ask in the EEE Office for appropriate tacky putty.  (No tape or staples.)

Use discretion when determining if to print and how many copies to print.

Please report any room or equipment issues to EEE@purdue.edu.

Guide to Purdue IT Resources

Purdue IT is the central information technology organization serving students, faculty and staff at Purdue. See the support and services they provide in this article.  

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