November 3, 2023
Spring 2024 Registration
All EEE undergraduate students (not graduating in December) received an email from their primary advisor on either 9/19 (Tammi) or 9/20 (Kennedy) with specific instructions for required meetings and steps for registration. If you haven't already, please take action soon to follow the required steps and arrange necessary appointments. Click to see the EEE Registration Spring 2024 newsletter.
Job Corner with Ms. Whelton, PE
Many of you have gone to career fair this semester and are now preparing for interviews. Here are resources from the CCO on different interview styles.
When you are preparing for an interview, don’t forget to practice “self talk”. It is a great way to build your confidence and make sure you don’t downplay your accomplishments. An article outlining self talk practices is found here.
If you have offers or questions about job opportunities, don’t hesitate to email me!
SPRING 2024 Course: ENGR 10301 Engineering and Public Service - 1 credit
Looking for a Technical Elective or Free Elective credit? This course aims to showcase the pathways for engineers in the public sector and highlight the intersectionality of engineering and government. Students enrolled in the course will learn about how their engineering knowledge can play a pivotal role in shaping public policy. Students will also gain insight into the opportunities in the engineering fields of aerospace, environmental, civil and more within the government and its agencies.
Thursdays, 4:30PM – 5:20PM; CRN: 16459
The Repeat Policy for ME Course, and Space Requests for Non-ME Students
Mechanical Engineering has a repeat policy. The policy is designed to maximize student success and minimize time to graduation. The policy is applicable to all students taking ME courses. Main impacts on EEE students are:
Grades of C or higher cannot be repeated for a higher grade
Students cannot regress and take a prerequisite course after having moved forward (i.e. take ME 27400 Basic Mech II, then decide to repeat ME 27000 Basic Mech I)
The full policy can be found here.
Requests for space in ME courses for non-ME students:
Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences and Toxicity Graduate Programs
There will be an occupational and Environmental Health Sciences virtual open house on Monday November 13, 2023 from 7:00-8:30 PM. The toxicology open house will be Thursday November 16, 2023 from 7:00-8:30 PM. The open houses will consist of a short presentation about the graduate program, Purdue, and West Lafayette followed by an opportunity to speak with faculty and current students. If students are interested but unable to attend, they can still register to receive the presentation materials and recordings. Register for both open houses here. For more information, view the Occupation and Environmental Health Sciences Flyer and the Toxicology Flyer.
Charles C. Chappelle Fellowship
The Charles C. Chappelle Fellowship provides a one-year fellowship to students with undergraduate degrees from Purdue for the furtherance of postgraduate research at the University. Recipients are selected on the basis of character, intellectual ability and promise of degree attainment. This fellowship includes a stipend, graduate tuition scholarships, payment of most fees and a medical insurance supplement.
Student application deadline: January 16, 2024 at 11:59PM
Applications now being received for graduating Purdue undergraduates who will enter a Purdue graduate program in 2024.
Students apply directly through the following link: Apply Here
Support details and timeline information are as follows:
$26,000 per year minimum.
One year of support from The Graduate School.
First Generation Student Celebration Week 2023
First Generation Student Celebration Week 2023 is November 6-10. Keep checking Boiler Buzz and Instagram @purduefge for upcoming events. Questions?
Dean's Leadership Scholars
The Dean’s Leadership Scholars serve as a high-level student sounding board for the Dean of Engineering and offer feedback on strategy and new initiatives advancing Purdue Engineering’s mission of being the largest, best-prepared, and most diverse engineering talent pool in the nation; the top engineering college for research impact; and a strong engine for advancing the state and the nation. Applications are being accepted now through November 3 for 10 outstanding College of Engineering undergraduate students who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and have completed at least one semester of the First-Year Engineering Program.
For more information, see the Dean’s Leadership Scholars website:
Fill out the Dean’s Leadership Scholars Application here through November 3:
For questions, contact
Women in 3D Printing
Interested in 3D printing? Join the new chapter at Purdue! If interested, they will be hosting a hybrid event on Friday, November 10, 2023 from 10AM to 11AM. The in-person event will take place in ME 2180. See the attached flyer for more information.
ISTC Mentor Matching Engine
The Illinois Science & Technology Coalition's virtual mentoring platform, The Mentoring Matching Engine (MME), offers the opportunity for high school student across Illinois to be matched with collegiate students, graduate students and professionals who will provide guidance to students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to work with mentors, and potentially even spark their interest in becoming future students or researchers at Purdue. The mentorship role is designed to fit into any schedule, with an estimated time commitment of one hour per week and entirely virtual communication on the MME platform. Sign up to be a mentor for the 2023-24 academic year here, or for further information, contact Program Manager of Mentorship, Tanvi Dharap (
DOE Community Energy Innovation Prize
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has launched a new American Made Challenge Competition: The Community Energy Innovation Prize, with a dedicated track to support student-led community energy innovation initiatives. Program staff, faculty, or student club/group leaders (with their institution's support) are eligible to apply.
To compete for one of 10 cash prizes of $15,000, we suggest these steps:
1. Register for the challenge by going to this website and clicking Solve the Challenge.
2. Submit a short application explaining your project concept by November 3rd to win $15K for your project! You must have a community partner specified in your application.
3. Register for the Entrepreneur Futures Network (EFN) informational Webinar on October 17th 1-2pm ET to learn more about the prize. Can't attend live? Register to receive a copy of the recording of the event.
4. Join weekly office hours to get feedback on your concept and your questions about the prize. See a full schedule of office hours here.
5. Looking for more resources? Join additional webinars and office hours led by Power Connector Organizations.
ACRP University Design Research Competition
The FAA-sponsored Airport Cooperative Research Program's University Design Competition for Addressing Airport Needs provides an outstanding opportunity for individual students or student teams working under the guidance of faculty advisors to design solutions to real-world issues addressing our nation's airports and the National Air System. Students win cash prizes ($3,000 for first place, $2,000 for second, and $1,000 for third place) in each of four different broad categories: Airport Safety, Operations and Maintenance; Passenger Experience and Innovations in Airport Terminal Design; Airport Environmental Interactions; Airport Management and Planning. The competition runs from August 17, 2023 to May 10, 2024. Additional information can be found at the attached flyer or at
LEED Green Associate Training
EEE students should understand that LEED is one professional certification. Earning a PE license in engineering requires considerably more education, knowledge and experience, and all EEE graduates are qualified to eventually earn a PE license, which is significantly more valuable. On occasion, an EEE student will ask about LEED. LEED is more within the domain of the Arch Engr group within Civil. The LEED Green Associate (GA) credential is the only entry level sustainability designation and shows employers and clients that you have certified knowledge in the green building industry. Most people can take a short course and pass the LEED certification test. As a courtesy, the following info is being provided. It is not required or necessarily endorsed.
LEED is simply a sustainability scorecard for green buildings. Buildings can become LEED Certified; people can become LEED accredited! LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - Webinar and Online self-paced options:
Live webinars that can be streamed on any of the following dates:
September 1 2023 - 1:00PM-5:30PM EDT
October 21 2023 - 1:00PM-5:30PM EDT
November 18 2023 - 1:00PM-5:30PM EDT
December 16 2023 - 1:00PM-5:30PM EDT
On-demand recordings at your own pace
The above options are identical.
Resister for a live webinar or start with our on-demand recorded workshop completed anytime at your own pace here:
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home.
Course cost: $300- students can use the coupon code 'green' for $100 dollars off (Discounted course price $200)
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at
SKY Happiness Retreat
The Sky Happiness Retreat is an immersive well-being that significantly reduces stress and depression. A study at Yale University found that SKY Happiness Retreat significantly has a long-lasting impact on mental health, depression, mindfulness, positive emotion and social connectedness. The SKY Happiness retreat introduces SKY meditation, an evidence-based meditation practice integrated with breath work that can significantly increase one's well-being and calmness, and significantly reduces anxiety and stress markers. The SKY retreat is fully funded for undergrad students and partially funded for graduate and PhD students. Availability is first-come-first-serve, by registration only and requires attendance to all sessions. Contact or Chinmay at 765-350-9207 with questions.
Option 1: Nov 17-19 2023
- Location: Online on Zoom
- November 17th (Fri) 6:15PM-9:30PM
- November 18th & 19th (Sat & Sun) 1PM-4:15PM
Option 2: Dec 1-3 2023
- Location: In-Person on Campus
- December 1st (Fri) 5:30pm-9pm
- December 2nd & 3rd (Sat and Sun) 1pm-5pm
Apply for either retreat here.
CARES Hub Update
The CARES Hub (Community, Assistance, and Resources for Engineering Students) will begin hosting events in November. We look forward to seeing you at guided meditations, tea and canvas, financial health workshops, and guest speakers like comedian and therapist Dr. Will. All events will be in ARMS 1261 unless otherwise specified. Follow the link for a calendar of events:
CAPS Services Fall 2023
Learn about the new services CAPS is offering this semester and find one that works best for you. The newest resource offered is Therapy Assisted Online (TAO), which offers a variety of well-being and mental health resources. To learn more about TAO, drop-in workshops, and other ways to seek support through CAPS see the attachments below:
Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center
Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center (PCGC) is the counseling service and training facility within the College of Education that is supervised by Counseling Psychology faculty at Purdue University. They provide free in-person and virtual individual counseling sessions to Purdue students on Wednesday afternoons and early evenings in the Fall semester. To schedule a screening scan the QR in the attachment.
EEE Main Office in POTR 364: Hours of Operation
The EEE main office is located in POTR 364. Office hours are currently: M-F 8am-4pm. Unscheduled “drop-ins” are discouraged. Instead, make an appointment with your EEE advisor, either Tammi Thayer or Kennedy Hall, via BoilerConnect. For other staff or faculty, reach out direct via email to arrange an appointment.
EEE Computer Lab in POTR 360
The EEE Computer Lab is available for all EEE students and is located in POTR 360; next door to the main EEE office. See attached agreement for student conduct and use protocols.
**Key Pad Entry Code – 389426** which corresponds to FU ZHAO for Prof. Fu Zhao. Prof. Zhao instructs EEE 530 in fall semester, and rotates teaching EEE 360 in spring.
EEE maintains this computer center for academic & social activities. Its use is a privilege reserved for EEE students and those enrolled in EEE courses to work, study, and access dedicated EEE computers. There are 12 desktop computers with internet access and a printer/scanner. The room contains additional tables, chairs, and whiteboards.
Hand sanitizer has been placed by each computer station.
In general, be respectful to others and the property. Always log off of computers before leaving the room. Do not lock a computer for later use. Do not move or alter any of the computer systems.
If you wish to place items on the wall, ask in the EEE Office for appropriate tacky putty. (No tape or staples.)
Use discretion when determining if to print and how many copies to print.
Please report any room or equipment issues to
Purdue Calendars
Various drop/add calendar with deadlines, and future years of academic calendars can be found at
How to Schedule an Appointment with EEE Advisors
EEE and other Engineering students can access the Environmental and Ecological Engineering appointment calendar via BoilerConnect. EEE currently has In Person and Virtual appointments, depending on the time and day.
There are training resources available to students in BoilerConnect on the login page. Click ‘For Students.’ Advisors and service offices across campus use BoilerConnect for making appointments, so these instructions are generalized.
Student Self-Help Guides:
Registration Troubleshooting
Having trouble registering, adding, or dropping? Need an override for a class? There are many resources on the EEE Registration Tools page, such as instruction links for Scheduling Assistant:
The Registrar page also has links for most common registration issues at