Mentoring Form: Students Entering from Fall 2020 - Summer 2021


EEE Plan of Study
Recently Offered Course Reference List
EEE Registration Tools page

General information

Be sure to identify top EEE Selective and Technical Elective choices, giving careful thought to ensure that your choices meet degree requirements and career interests. Ultimately, you are responsible so ask if unsure!

Other topics you wish to discuss:

Spring Reminders:

Have you completed the EEE Experience Survey?

Yes No

Do you have a summer engineering internship planned?

Yes No

If yes, consider enrolling in EEE 39699 Professional Practice Internship. See here for details.

Identify top elective choices below.

EEE Selectives - 18 credits required; 9 credits must be in the College of Engineering, & of these at least 3 must be at the 40000-level or above. Students must have a mentor approved Selectives plan, thus students must choose Selectives in order to develop a full plan of study. You may change your choices as your plans mature. Check myPurduePlan for courses already counting as EEE Selectives. Completed, work-in-progress & future courses should be included on this list.

Select a Course Complete In Progress Future

Technical Electives - 5 credit minimum required. Technical electives are defined as any course in a technical field, typically from the Colleges of Engineering, Polytechnic, Science, or Agriculture. Not sure where to start? Choose more EEE Selectives or take prerequisites for EEE Selectives that you are interested in. Remedial courses are not allowed. Check myPurduePlan for courses already counting as Technical Electives. Completed, work-in-progress & future courses should be included on this list.

Type in Tech. Elective Below Complete In Progress Future

I completed this form in advance of my mentor meeting and will make notes based on what we discuss so that any alterations to the planned courses and my career can be discussed with my advisor at my next registration appointment.