Student Involvement
College of Engineering Ambassadors
This past Spring semester, EEE was proud to be represented in the College of Engineering Ambassador program by three EEE students. These students were Marisa Henry, Connor Wraight, and Andrew Yacinthe. The Engineering Ambassadors Program is designed to enhance and expand student representation in College of Engineering alumni, development, legislative efforts, and recruitment and retention activities. Some activities Ambassadors are involved with are: host and emcee College-wide luncheons and dinners, give tours of College of Engineering buildings to select guests, assist Advancement Officers with College-wide initiatives, and meet with Future Engineers and their families.

Marisa Henry and Andrew Yacinthe (right side of photo) working with Pursue Purdue students on project. Pursue Purdue is for students that have been accepted into Purdue Engineering but haven’t yet decided to attend.
The EEE SAC is the Environmental and Ecological Engineering Student Advisory Council. Its members are: Sophomores - Ashley Devore, Sydney Weiss; Juniors - Kaley Alcock, Mustafa Ghuneim, Andrew Yacinthe (chair); Seniors - Patrick Brown, Conrad Farner, Lauren Kennedy. The EEE SAC meets regularly with Associate Director of Advising, Tammi Thayer, Professor Larry Nies, and Fehsenfeld Family Head John Sutherland. The mission of the EEE SAC is to provide a mechanism for EEE students to communicate directly with the EEE Administration. The EEE SAC organizes events to bring together EEE students and faculty. For example, EEE SAC planned and hosted a “Welcome Back” EEE picnic in Fall 2014. During Spring 2015, the EEE SAC held a Townhall for the EEE students to ask questions of Prof. Howarter, Tammi Thayer, and Margaret Whelton. Some of the topics covered were information on courses they should take, preparation for the FE exam, and information on internships, jobs, and research.