Senior Design
The EEE Senior Design course serves as the capstone project of the EEE curriculum. It engages student in hands-on projects, and allows them to experience a client-based relationship. Drs. Howarter and Nies provided academic guidance and direction for the students in senior design.
This year, the class was divided into six teams that worked on one of three major projects. Three teams focused on the reuse of industrial water, providing potable water directly in a suburban setting, and capturing rainfall for reuse in areas without alternative sources. Another project category was the reduction of chemical waste, where two teams focused on either the reduction HPLC waste or an incentivized initiative to reduce waste in labs. The third project was sponsored by the local Evonik facility that worked with a team of students to develop solutions to use electricity more efficiently. Seen Below: Senior Design students presenting their posters to members of the EEE External Advisory Council.