EEE Research

The EEE discovery mission seeks to develop strategies for the sustainable management of ecosystems and Earth's limited resources for the benefit of future generations. Topics emphasized within the EEE research portfolio include environmental fate of air, water, and soil contaminants; sustainable urban design; water and wastewater treatment; sustainable industrial systems; bio-based materials and products; air quality, and coupled natural and human systems.

EEE Professor Abigail Engelberth is currently researching the identification and characterization methods of products from the conversion of biomass into liquid fuels and determining how much additional revenue those products will contribute to the biorefinery. Many commodity chemicals and pharmaceuticals are synthesized from petroleum-based chemicals. Dr. Engelberth’s research is aimed at obtaining these petroleum-based chemicals and compounds from natural and renewable sources.

Such bio-based alternatives are considered co-products since they will be obtained concurrently with the production of liquid transportation fuels from flora. Her research group consists of PhD Students: Mahdieh Aghazadeh and Raymond Red Corn and Masters Students: Jinsha Li and Emma Brace. Dr. Engelberth’s research was included in the November 2014 issue of Chemical Engineering Progress.