
November 20, 2023

Purdue researcher: ‘Body internet’ invention could revolutionize tech devices

Researchers at Purdue University have invented what they call “body internet.” It’s something that could revolutionize how all of us interact with technology. The magic of this technology happens in small computer chips. The prototype is attached to the back of a phone. It uses the human body as a conductor and allows the transport of information simply by touch.
September 13, 2023

What is USB-C? A computer engineer explains the one device connector to rule them all

Apple announced on Sept. 12, 2023, that it plans to adopt the USB-C connector for all four new iPhone 15 models, helping USB-C become the connector of choice of the electronics industry, nine years after its debut. The move puts Apple in compliance with European Union law requiring a single connector type for consumer devices.
September 12, 2023

Researchers aim to improve dairy cow efficiency with $1m grant

A team of Purdue University researchers has received a $1 million (AU$1.5m) grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to improve feed efficiency and consistency on dairy farms by using automated video analytics systems.
September 7, 2023

USDA grant equips Purdue to improve dairy farm efficiency

“Farmers are trained to make a lot of decisions based on things that they see,” said Amy Reibman, the Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, who specializes in video analytics for animals. “I’m an engineer. I want to solve problems. We should be able to design a system that can augment their abilities.”
July 26, 2023

A new kind of thermal imaging sees the world in striking colors

A team of researchers has designed a completely new camera imaging system based on AI interpretations of heat signatures. Once refined, “heat-assisted detection and ranging,” aka HADAR, could one day revolutionize the way autonomous vehicles and robots perceive the world around them.
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