ECE 20002 - Electrical Engineering Fundamentals II


A minimum grade of C is required in this course for all ECE students to progress to ECE 30100.

Course Details

Lecture Hours: 3 Credits: 3

Counts as:

  • EE Core
  • CMPE Core

Normally Offered:

Each Fall, Spring, Summer


On-campus and online


ECE 20001 Minimum Grade of C and (MA 26200 [may be taken concurrently] or MA 26600 [may be taken concurrently] or MA 366 [may be taken concurrently]).

Catalog Description:

Continuation of Electrical and Computer Engineering Fundamentals I. The course addresses mathematical and computational foundations of circuit analysis (differential equations, Laplace Transform techniques) with a focus on application to linear circuits having variable behavior as a function of frequency, with emphasis on filtering. Variable frequency behavior is further considered for applications of electronic components through single-transistor and operational amplifiers. The course ends with consideration of how circuits behave and may be modeled for analysis at high frequencies.

Required Text(s):

  1. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals II: Purdue University Lectures from ECE 20002 , 3rd Edition , Talavage and Terlep , 2020 , ISBN No. 978-1098760045

Recommended Text(s):


Lecture Outline:

Week Topic
1 OpAmps - operation (gain, input/output resistance, common-mode); Field-Effect Transistor devices; DC review; Current mirror example; FET small signal models; Active loads
2 Common Source amplifier (mid-frequency behavior); Common Drain and Common Gate amplifiers (mid-frequency behavior); Single-stage amplifier time constants for low-/high-freq response
3 OpAmp model using FETs; ODE models for circuits and the solutions thereof; RC circuits with and without initial conditions
4 RL circuits with and without initial conditions; LC circuits with and without initial conditions; RLC circuits with and without initial conditions
5 Modeling of switching in circuits using initial conditions; Impulse response, h(t), from the step response; Circuit modeling using h(t); Intro to convolution
6 Convolution integral and properties; Convolution examples; Graphical interpretation; Convolution algebra; Convolution examples
7 Laplace Transform definition and basic pairs; More basic Laplace Transform pairs; Duality with time-domain; Properties of the Laplace Transform
8 Inverse Laplace Transform via partial fraction expansion; Impedance; Admittance; LT solution of ODEs for "at rest" circuits; Incorporation of initial conditions in LT analysis
9 Transfer function, H(s); System analysis in frequency and time domains; Response decomposition, steady-state analysis
10 Complex plane concepts, pole/zero plots, stability; Frequency response; Frequency and magnitude scaling
11 Resonance; 2nd-order systems; 2nd-order systems; Passive BPF; Passive LPF
12 Passive LPF Design; Passive HPF, HPF Design; Implications of duality for passive filters; Passive filter examples
13 Active LPF/HPF with real poles; Duality in active filters; Active LPF/HPF with complex poles; Active filter examples; Non-ideal components; Wave equation in conductors
14 Frequency dependence of transmission line impedance, velocity; Frequency dependence of reflection; Effect on input impedance

Assessment Method:

Outcomes will be assessed through exams, quizzes, homework and projects