Courses by BSEE Research Area
Students pursuing a BSEE degree are required to complete a minimum of 47 ECE credits (catalog term prior to Fall 2019) or 52 ECE credits (catalog term Fall 2019 and later). A portion of these credits must come from specific courses or categories to meet specific BSEE degree requirements. However, students will also need to choose ECE electives to bring ECE credits to that minimum requirement and can use the list below as a resource when making elective choices.
Students are not required to declare a focus or complete all of the courses from a specific area; however, depending on a students' career or academic goals it may be beneficial to declare a concentration or focus in one or two areas instead of choosing ECE electives from several different areas.
Please note that the following conditions apply when choosing your Advanced EE Selectives (minimum of 3 required): ECE 30500 OR ECE 50653; ECE 32100 OR ECE 51012 OR ECE 31032 OR ECE 31033; ECE 43800 OR ECE 53800.
Automatic Control
ECE 30800 Systems Simulation and Control Laboratory
ECE 38200 Feedback System Analysis and Design (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 48300 Digital Control Systems Analysis and Design
ECE 56900 Introduction to Robotic Systems
Communications, Networking, Signal & Image Processing
ECE 30600 Electronic Circuits and Systems Laboratory
ECE 43800 Digital Signal Processing w/ Applications OR ECE 53800 Digital Signal Processing I (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 44000 Transmission of Information (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 54400 Digital Communications
ECE 57700 Engineering Aspects of Remote Sensing
Computer Engineering
ECE 26400 Advance C Programming
ECE 36200 Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 36400 Software Engineering Tools Laboratory
ECE 36800 Data Structures
ECE 40875 Data Mining Basic Concepts and Techniques
ECE 46300 Introduction to Computer Communication Networks
ECE 47300 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
ECE 47700 Digital Systems Senior Project
ECE 57000 Artificial Intelligence
Fields and Optics
ECE 30412 Electromagnetics II (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 30414 Elements of Fiber Optics, Lasers and Optoelectronics (Previously offered as ECE 41400)
ECE 30415 Fiber Optics and Lasers Laboratory (Previously offered as ECE 41500)
ECE 30416 Basics of Engineering Optics (Previously offered as ECE 41200)
ECE 30417 Engineering Optics Laboratory (Previously offered as ECE 41300)
ECE 30700 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Laboratory
ECE 41200 Introduction to Engineering Optics (Now offered as ECE 30416)
ECE 41300 Introduction to Optics Laboratory (Now offered as ECE 30417)
ECE 41400 Elements of Electro and Fiber Optics (Now offered as ECE 30414)
ECE 41500 Electro and Fiber Optics Laboratory (Now offered as ECE 30415)
ECE 44100 Distributed Parameter Systems
ECE 51300 Diffraction, Fourier Optics, & Imaging
ECE 55200 Introduction to Lasers
PHYS 34200 Modern Physics (Science Selective)
PHYS 34400 Modern Physics (Science Selective)
Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
ECE 30500 Semiconductor Devices (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 45300 Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics
ECE 45500 Integrated Circuit Engineering
ECE 45600 Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design
ECE 50653 Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 55700 Integrated Circuit/MEMS Fabrication Laboratory
PHYS 24202 Intro to Quantum Science (Science Selective)
PHYS 34400 Modern Physics (Science Selective)
Power and Energy Systems
ECE 31032 Power Systems Engineering (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 32100 Electromechanical Motion Devices OR ECE 51012 Electromechanics (Adv. EE Selective)
ECE 32300 Electromechanical Motion Devices and Systems Laboratory
ECE 42300 Electromechanical Motion Control-Final Offering expected to be Spring 2022
ECE 43200 Elements of Power System Engineering (Now offered as ECE 31032)
ECE 43300 Power Electronics (Adv. EE Selective)
*If more than one Adv. EE Selective is taken from this area, only one will count as an Adv. EE Selective and the other(s) will count as EE Electives.
VLSI and Circuit Design
ECE 33700 ASIC Design Laboratory
ECE 45500 Integrated Circuit Engineering
ECE 45600 Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design
ECE 45700 Electronic Design Laboratory
ECE 55900 MOS VLSI Design