Student Testimonials

Paula Alvarez

"I also had the flexibility to adapt my schedule to study and work at different locations, which I wouldn’t have been able to do otherwise."

Boris Diner

"I like the quality of teaching along with the breadth of the topics covered in each course."

Yvette Espinoza

"I was accepted to multiple schools, but overall the positive feedback I received from alumni, the affordable cost, and ultimately the variety of courses offered made Purdue the best choice."

Justin Figueroa

"I like being able to choose exactly what I want to learn and with which professors."

Benjamin Francis

"The professors truly care about the learning of their students, and have gone above and beyond to ensure everyone is getting the most enriching and educational experience they can."

Jacob Fuher

"Being able to have a life outside school is so important, whether it’s for work or for fun. I’m really glad I can work towards this degree consistently but also still have time for my job and my friends. It’s important for stress release and just feeling balanced. A lot of graduate students can’t say that."

Matt Gaschler

"As someone with a full-time job, my work and personal schedules can change week-to-week so I greatly appreciate having the ability to do coursework on my own time."

Nikhil Krishna Gopalakrishna

"Having a master’s degree with a specialization in computer engineering is helping me directly in my work, as I work on building next-generation computer architectures focused towards machine learning and artificial intelligence."

Ganga Jayarathna

"I strongly believe this MS program will help me to clarify and deepen my research interests in the Microelectronics and Nanotechnology area."

Jon Metherd

"An online program might sound like a solitary endeavor, but the faculty at Purdue are clearly committed to supporting online students and providing numerous avenues for interaction."

Heather Woods

"Purdue has a fantastic reputation and is internationally known for its engineering program; however, the cost was also lower than most online graduate programs!"

Omer Mahboob

“Looking at my options for online electrical engineering degrees I thought Purdue was the best choice from a prestige standpoint and from an education standpoint,” Mahboob said. “The cost per credit hour was very competitive compared to the other options that were out there.”