May 28, 2015

Summer internship at

Position Type: Internship
Priority: No
Neptune.IO – Software Engineer Intern 

ABOUT NEPTUNE.IO : is a SaaS platform that automatically fixes server alerts in minutes. 

We are funded by top-tier investors including YCombinator, Data Collective, early investors of Docker, and ex-Amazon/Facebook/Google executives. 

More info at: 

The best way to launch a startup is to take part in a top-notch startup and learn it all first hand! Currently, we are on a mission to build an amazing self-healing platform for developers. Building distributed systems that can auto-remediate sever alerts is a hard problem and the challenge motivates us. If you too are excited by such challenges, Come join us! 

• Expert software development & debugging skills with JAVA 
• Good knowledge of Unix/Linux 
• Knowledge of distributed systems; preferably experience in building/scaling web services 
• Experience with AWS EC2, AWS S3, DynamoDB is a plus. 
• Team player - works well in collaborative situations & startup environments 
• Most important of all, you enjoy being part of bootstrapping a startup from ground-up. 

• You churn out solid JAVA code at an amazing speed! 
• Integrate Neptune with web service providers such as AWS, NewRelic, AppDynamics, and Nagios 
• Diagnose and debug complex distributed systems issues 

• An opportunity to work with a top-notch technical team (ex-Amazon) that has built and launched services such as Amazon S3 and DynamoDB. 

• End to end responsibility of building a key integration or a distributed system component. 
• You will interact with customers first hand to understand their requirements, translate them into features, design from scratch and deliver them. That in our opinion is true internship experience. 

Please reach out to for any questions.