March 24, 2023

Fall '23 Course: GRAD 590 - Data Mgmt & Records

Fall '23 Course: GRAD 590 - Data Mgmt & Records
I will be offering a new course in fall 2023 focusing on data management and record keeping. It will be a one credit seminar course focusing on the rapidly evolving data management requirements of NIH and NSF as well as strategies and tactics used by researchers from across the university. It will be offered on Fridays, from 9:30-11:20 for the first 8 weeks in the fall. The syllabus is attached.
Please share with your departments and students.
James L. (“Jamie”) Mohler, PhD
Research Integrity Officer,
Associate Dean & Professor
O: 765.496.6071
GRAD 59000-031 (CRN16651): Research Data Management and Record Keeping
Syllabus – First 8 Weeks
Fall 2023 – Friday @ 9:30-11:20 AM WILM 3138 (Aug 21-Oct 17, 2023)
Instructor: James L Mohler 
Office: YONG 170/Zoom
Contact information: e-mail:; phone: 496-6071 cell: 242-5160
Course description:  This course is designed to provide an overview of rapidly evolving federal sponsor data management requirements as well as general strategies and tactics used by outstanding faculty from across the university. This course will provide practical advice on tangible/physical data, intangible data, and management of physical apparatus and equipment. Specific topical areas will be covered by a range of faculty.
Course goals:
  1. To provide an overview of the NSF and NIH data management plan requirements.
  2. To provide tactics and strategy for managing research data in a variety of fields.
Approach:  The course uses a seminar/guest lecture approach with assignments focusing on students adapting strategies and techniques they learn in the classroom for use in their own research and career.
Student evaluation:  The final grade will be determined as follows:
Class attendance (weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) 140 points (7 @ 20 points each)
Weekly Takeaway Assignments   70 points (7 @ 10 points each)
Final summary assignment   50 points
Total 260 points
There will be NO examinations.  
Attendance policy:  Regular attendance at class sessions is critical and required.  During every class, student attendance will be recorded and points toward the final grade will be accrued. If you are unable to attend, you will need to work with the instructor to make up the attendance (email: 
Final letter grades will be assigned as follows:
Points Grades
260-234 (100-90%) A
233-208 (89-80%) B
207-182 (79-70%) C
181-156 (69-60%) D
155 or below (below 60%) F


Weekly Writing Assignments are open-book.  Students who are unable to complete a Weekly Writing Assignment by the date due, for any reason, MUST contact the instructor in advance of the scheduled completion date to determine how the assignment will be made up. Late assignments are assessed a 10% penalty per day it is late.

See attached syllabus for more details