September 22, 2022

2022 Fall AMAP Events and AMAP Certificate Program Flyer

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2022 Fall AMAP Events and AMAP Certificate Program Flyer
We would like to draw your attention to the events that the AMAP plans to hold this semester. Attached, please find the flyer for the Fall 2022 AMAP events. Advanced Methods at Purdue is a method-oriented cross-college initiative that aims to promote collaborative opportunities towards the development of a multi-college, shared graduate training platform, including talks, workshops, a graduate certification program in advanced statistics and methodologies, and an interdisciplinary space for methodological consulting in the behavioral, health, and social sciences. The AMAP welcomes anyone (not limited to those in behavioral, health, and social sciences) at Purdue to join our events/activities.
Also, we have attached the AMAP graduate certificate program flyer. The AMAP certificate empowers students to respond to novel challenges in the behavioral, health, and social sciences with the methodological rigor and multidisciplinary view needed to lead groundbreaking scientific endeavors. The interdisciplinary nature of this certificate facilitates collaborations among diverse sets of instructors and students. Earning your official AMAP Interdisciplinary Methods certificate, listed on your academic transcript and CV/resume, is a great way to signal your skills in and commitment to excellence in methodology. Data analytic skills and interdisciplinary thinking are highly sought after skills for employers across all sectors. 
For more information, please visit If you have any questions regarding the events or the application, please do not hesitate to email
Advanced Methods at Purdue
In the Behavioral, Health, and Social Sciences
A collaboration of the College of Health and Human Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts
Jay McCann & Sharon Christ (AMAP co-coordinators)
Kristine Marceau & Trent Mize (AMAP steering committee)