July 12, 2021

Postdoctoral Scholar positions open in CWRU's SDLE Research Center

Position Type: Research
Priority: No
Degree Requirement: Post Doctorate
Postdoctoral Scholar positions open in CWRU's SDLE Research Center
We have 3 postdoctoral scholar openings in SDLE at present that we are looking for good candidates for. These are from a number of new center and team research projects we have starting up.  These postdoc positions are a nice opportunity for new PhD graduates, to develop broad data science, machine and deep learning, and big data analytics experiences and publications. 
These are the positions (see link, below, or attached)
Roger H. French 
Kyocera Professor
Faculty Director, Applied Data Science
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Secondary Appointments; Macromolecular Science & Eng., Computer & Data Sciences, Physics, Biomedical Eng.
536 White Bldg., 10900 Euclid Ave. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH 44106-7204
office phone: 216 368 3655, cellphone: 302 468 6667, home phone: 216 744 2015

A Postdoctoral Scholar position for a materials scientist/engineer is available in the SDLE Research Center, Case School of Engineering under the direction of Prof. Roger H. French and Prof. Laura S. Bruckman. The research focuses on using a data analytics approach to understanding and predicting materials degradation, optimizing performance, and accelerating adoption of new technology.
The Postdoctoral Scholar will engage in research to gain understanding and prediction of degradation mechanisms in materials, components, and systems from laboratory-based experimentation and historical retrieved samples to monitor performance and identify real-world degradation mechanisms. Data is acquired over time and a data science methodology is employed to model the behavior in a quantitative manner. This includes image, spectral analysis, machine learning, and deep learning.
The applicant should hold a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences, or a related field. The Postdoctoral Scholar will be responsible for original and collaborative research, related data analysis and publications, as well as some student supervision and coordination of studies. This position holds excellent career development opportunities. Preference will be given to individuals with experience in x-ray diffraction, scattering, small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), and beamline (APS, BNL, CHESS) x-ray experiments with a demonstrated ability to lead a project, analyze data, and write manuscripts. The applicant should hold a Ph.D. degree in materials science, electrical engineering, physics, or a related field. Analytic and computing skills are required including the ability to code in either R or Python. Experience with Linux is a plus. Strong oral and written communication skills and ability to work independently and collaboratively are essential.
Applicants should send a cover letter including a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for at least three references by email to:
Jonathan Steirer
Operations Manager, SDLE Research Center
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio, 44106-7204, USA

A postdoctoral Scholar position for a statistician/data scientist is available in the SDLE Research Center, Case School of Engineering under the direction of Prof. Roger H. French and Prof. Laura S. Bruckman. The research focuses on using a data analytics approach to understand and predict materials degradation and lifetime performance. Combining time series, spectral and image data on real-world PV modules in a wide variety of climatic zones with more detailed point in time data on smaller sets of real-world retrieved materials, components, or systems is necessary. This real-world data will be cross-correlated with similar datasets on
materials under accelerated exposures in order to understand the degradation mechanisms and the roles of specific stressors on degradation and to predict lifetime in various climatic zones.
The Postdoctoral Scholar will be responsible for original and collaborative research, related data analysis, software development and publications, as well as some student supervision and coordination of studies. This position holds excellent career development opportunities. Preference will be given to individuals with experience in real-world data analytics and a demonstrated ability to lead a project, collaborate with domain scientists, analyze data, and write manuscripts.
The applicant should hold a Ph.D. degree in Statistics, Biostatistics, Computer and Data Sciences, Materials Science or a related field. Excellent analytical and computing skills in R and/or Python are required and familiarity with Hadoop/Hbase/Spark would be helpful. Experience with Linux is a plus. Strong oral and written communication skills and ability to work independently and collaboratively are essential. The applicant should be familiar with the linear modeling, fixed effects and mixed/random effects modeling, logistic regression, predictive modeling, and cross-correlation of data sets. The research scholar will lead and mentor students in R/Python code development and data analysis of large and diverse data sets in a Hadoop/Hbase distributed computing environment, including time series and point in time data.
Applicants should send a cover letter including a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for at least three references by email to:
Jonathan Steirer
Operations Manager, SDLE Research Center
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio, 44106-7204, USA

A postdoctoral Scholar position for a statistician/data scientist is available in the SDLE Research Center, Case School of Engineering under the direction of Prof. Roger H. French and Prof. Laura S. Bruckman. The research focuses on using a data analytics approach to understand and predict materials degradation and lifetime performance. Combining time series, spectral and image data on real-world PV modules in a wide variety of climatic zones with more detailed point in time data on smaller sets of real-world retrieved materials, components, or systems is necessary. This real-world data will be cross-correlated with similar datasets on materials under accelerated exposures in order to understand the degradation mechanisms and the roles of specific stressors on degradation and to predict lifetime in various climatic zones.
The Postdoctoral Scholar will be responsible for original and collaborative research, related data analysis, software development and publications, as well as some student supervision and coordination of studies. This position holds excellent career development opportunities. Preference will be given to individuals with experience in real-world data analytics and a demonstrated ability to lead a project, collaborate with domain scientists, analyze data, and write manuscripts.
The applicant should hold a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Computer and Data Sciences, or a related field. Excellent analytical and computing skills in R and/or Python are required and familiarity with Hadoop/Hbase/Spark would be helpful. Experience with Linux is a plus. Strong oral and written communication skills and ability to work independently and collaboratively are essential. The applicant should be familiar with the linear modeling, fixed effects and mixed/random effects modeling, logistic regression, predictive modeling, and cross-correlation of data sets. The research scholar will lead and mentor students in R/Python code development and data analysis of large and diverse data sets in a Hadoop/Hbase distributed computing environment, including time series and point in time data.
Applicants should send a cover letter including a brief description of research experience and interests, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for at least three references by email to:
Jonathan Steirer
Operations Manager, SDLE Research Center
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio, 44106-7204, USA
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