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Undergraduate Program

Mission of the School of Chemical Engineering

To educate students for the practice of chemical engineering; to conduct research which defines and advances the knowledge frontiers of the profession; and to enrich society and enhance the profession through leadership and technical advice to industry and professional, scientific, governmental, and community organizations.

School of Chemical Engineering Program Educational Objectives

Within 5 years of graduating from the School of Chemical Engineering, our graduates are expected to achieve one or more of the following milestones:

  1. Advance professionally in positions of increasing leadership responsibilities within the graduate's chosen career field.
  2. Earn an advanced degree or an advanced certification in an engineering, business, or technical field.
  3. Engage in educational, business, or technical activities with global or socially responsible implications.
  4. Publish scholarly article(s), file patent application(s), or present technical, professional or business seminars.

School of Chemical Engineering Program Outcomes

In order to do meet our program educational objectives, our graduates will:

  1. be able to apply mathematics, science, and engineering principles to solve a wide range of open-ended chemical engineering problems using critical thinking and creative problem solving;
  2. be able to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data, and apply the results to chemical systems and processes;
  3. be able to design a system, component, or process to meet desired technical, economic, safety, and environmental criteria;
  4. be able to cooperate successfully as a member of a productive team by using their awareness of leadership and group dynamics issues;
  5. be able to utilize the techniques, analytical skills, and modern computational tools necessary for successful chemical engineering practice;
  6. understand and appreciate the need for professional integrity and ethical decision making in the professional practice of chemical engineering;
  7. demonstrate their knowledge by presenting information in a logical, interesting way in both oral and written forms;
  8. demonstrate an understanding of contemporary issues encountered in the professional practice of chemical engineering including business practices, environmental, health, and safety issues and other public interests. Our graduates will be aware of the wide-reaching effects that engineering decisions have on society, our global community and our natural environment; and
  9. appreciate the need for and engage in life-long learning to maintain and enhance the professional practice of chemical engineering.