Chemical Engineering Safety
The chemical engineering safety committee consists of faculty, staff, and graduate students committed to increasing safety culture throughout the School via training, education, policy development and implementation, safety inspections, and open communication.
Safety Committee
- Shubhanshu Agarwal
- Ilke Akturk
- Bereket Bekele
- Austin Choi
- Jason Davenport (Building Deputy)
- Marisa Egan
- Po-Chun (Casper) Huang
- Wei-Ling Huang (GSO Safety Officer)
- Prof. Enrico Martinez
- Prof. Jeffrey Miller
- Gabriela Nagy (Chair)
- Gabriel Perez Schuster
- Prof. Vilas Pol
- Yury Zvinevich
Responsibilities of graduate student members of the ChE Safety Committee
Responsibilities of ChE GSO Safety Officer
To view the minutes from the Chemical Engineering Safety Committee meetings, please contact Dr. Gabriela Nagy in Forney G051.
- Training Offered by REM
- The material presented during the ISP info session held on May 27, 2015, can be accessed here.
ChE Safety Awareness Training
ChE Initial Safety Awareness Training is required for all new employees including faculty, staff, research associates, students and visiting researchers. Initial safety training is tailored for each individual’s role in the department. The dates for the in-person training sessions, which are part of the initial training, for the period January - June 2025 are:
Date | 01/24 | 02/14 | 02/28 | 03/28 | 04/11 | 04/25 | 05/09 | 05/23 | 06/13 |
Time | 1:30pm | 10:30am | 1:30pm | 1:30pm | 10:30am | 1:30pm | 10:30am | 1:30pm | 10:30am |
Room | FRNY G060A | FRNY 2142 | FRNY G060A | FRNY G060A | FRNY 2142 | FRNY G060A | FRNY 2142 | FRNY G060A | FRNY 2142 |
ChE Initial Safety Training
Safety training requirements for lab-based research in ChE
- Complete the “Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals” online training course using the Learning Management System ( ). Before using the online learning platform for the first time you must register by setting up a new user account profile. To register, click the "REGISTER" button on the login page and provide a user ID and password, as well as other required information. You will need to complete all required sections including quizzes, and take the test. Save a copy of the “Record of Completion” Certificate received upon completion of the course.
- Read the Lab Specific Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) for the lab(s) you’ll work in, and complete the Lab Specific CHP Certification (page 81 in the Purdue CHP template). Save a PDF copy
- Have lab specific safety training, including training on all relevant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) with the lab safety officer of the group.
- Have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) training with the safety officer (or PI) for the lab you’ll work in. This needs to be documented by completing the PPE Certification of Training Form
- Complete any specialized training, as identified by your PI/Research Supervisor.
- Review the Building Emergency Plan (BEP) for FRNY Building
- Attend an in-person training session with the ChE Safety Committee Chair, currently Dr. Gabriela Nagy. Check above for latest dates and location. Purdue ChE undergraduate students do not need to attend the in-person training session.
Complete the ChE Safety training sign-in sheet to log the completion of your safety training. You will need the following documents:
- “Record of Completion” Certificate received upon completion of “Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals” online training course
- PDF copy of the signed Lab Specific CHP Certification
Safety training requirements for office workers and non-lab based (computational) research in ChE
- Complete the Hazard Communication Awareness Training online module and log the completion of training or REM’s website. Save a PDF copy of the automatic email received as proof of completion
- Review the Building Emergency Plan (BEP) for FRNY Building
- Attend an in-person training session with the ChE Safety Committee Chair, currently Dr. Gabriela Nagy. Check above for latest dates and location. Purdue ChE undergraduate students do not need to attend the in-person training session.
Complete the ChE Safety training sign-in sheet to log the completion of your safety training. You will need the following documents:
- PDF copy of the email received as proof of completion of Hazard Communication Awareness online training
Safety training requirements for undergraduate student researchers
- Undergraduate student researchers please consult this document to learn more about the safety training you need to complete before starting research in our School.
ChE Annual Safety Refresher Training
Annual Safety Refresher Training is required during the month of February each year for all ChE faculty, staff, post-doctoral research associates, graduate student researchers and visiting researchers.
Complete your ChE Specific Annual Safety Refresher Training
Safety Policies Specific to Forney Hall
Safety Policies Specific to FRNY Building
These policies are in addition to the safety rules applicable at University level and to those found in the Purdue Chemical Hygiene Plan. More stringent rules, for a specific work area, may be put in place by our Faculty.
Laboratory Safety Requirements
- Safety Training (see ChE Safety Awareness Training above)
- Responsibilities of Safety Officers
Chemical Hygiene Plan
Every Purdue ChE laboratory is required to maintain a work-specific Chemical Hygiene Plan. The template above can be used as a starting point for creating a work area specific Chemical Hygiene Plan, which should be updated as necessary, but at least annually. -
Safety Data Sheets (SDSs): printed or electronic copies
Every laboratory is required to maintain up-to-date printed or electronic copies of SDSs for all the chemicals that are used/stored in the laboratory. SDSs are typically available on vendor websites. Printed copies of SDSs are preferred, but electronic storage of these documents is also acceptable, as long as the guidelines below are followed: - Chemical Inventory Form
Hazard Assessment/Appendix A3: Location/Template
The Hazard Assessment should be reviewed and updated annually or when new hazards are introduced to the laboratory. -
Laboratory Door Posting
The Door Posting should be updated annually or when personnel changes occur in the laboratory. - Eye washes should be flushed weekly.
- The area beneath safety showers marked by green and white tape should be kept clear at all times.
- Safety Gloves Selection Guide:
- Integrated Safety Plan Self-Audit Checklist
- Guideline for Use of Hydrogen and Flammable Hydrogen Gas Mixtures
- Gas Cylinder Handling Procedures for FRNY Building
Emergency Preparedness
- Building Emergency Plan (BEP) for FRNY Building
- Classroom Emergency Plans – College of Engineering
- Emergency Procedures – Purdue
- Emergency Procedures Handbook
Accidents Do Happen at Universities
Workplace Injury Information
- What to do in case of an incident:
- Worker's Compensation: Steps to Take if You Are Injured or Become Ill on the Job
- Where to Seek Medical Treatment
- Transportation
- EHS Injury Portal
Safety Resources
Purdue University Environmental Health and Safety
(An organization that provides expertise in the areas of environmental, health and safety issues. First stop for Purdue EH&S information.) - Guidance Document: Minors in Research Laboratories or Animal Facilities
U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB)
(An independent federal agency that investigates chemical accidents. Excellent source for accident information and videos.) -
Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)
(CCPS is an organization within AIChE that identifies and addresses process safety needs within the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries.) -
Safety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE) Program
(A cooperative effort between the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and engineering schools to provide teaching materials and programs in process safety.) -
Dow Lab Safety Academy
("Dow Lab Safety Academy” is a digital learning environment that shares Dow’s outstanding industrial safety culture and practices in a quick and accessible format. Here you can access dozens of videos featuring lab safety guidelines, and a collection of useful safety resources.)