Adam Kean

Adam Kean

Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Indiana University School of Medicine
Division of Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Electrophysiology


Phone: 317.944.8906
Fax: 317.968.1275
Location: Indianapolis

Indiana University School of Medicine
705 Riley Hospital Drive, RI 1134
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Personal web site:


Dr. Adam C. Kean received his medical degree from Tulane University School of Medicine as well as a master of public health degree in health systems management from the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. He completed an internship and pediatric residency at the University of Michigan Medical Center followed by a pediatric cardiology fellowship and advanced fellowship training in pediatric electrophysiology at the University of Michigan Congenital Heart Center. As a cardiology fellow, he was an NIH NRSA recipient and trained in Dr. Jose Jalife's Center for Arrhythmia Research. He is board-certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in general pediatrics, and pediatric cardiology, and IBHRE certified in Pediatric Electrophysiology. He is a Fellow of the Heart Rhythm Society. He is currently working to improve the diagnosis and treatment of rhythm disorders in pediatric and congenital heart disease patients as well as those at risk for sudden cardiac death.

Research Interests

  • Heart rhythm disorders in children and those with congenital heart disease. Invasive electrophysiology study. Radio frequency (RF) and Cryoablation. Transvenous pacemaker and implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) placement and system management. Inherited arrhythmia disorders. Sudden cardiac death of the young. At Riley Children's Hospital.