Alexander Chubykin

Alexander Chubykin

Associate Professor Biological Science
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering (courtesy)


Phone: 765-496-0064
Location: West Lafayette

LILY 2-235

Research web site:


A major challenge in neuroscience is to understand how brain circuits perform computations, affect perception and behaviors. I am interested in elucidating how neuromodulatory systems induce reward-dependent plasticity of the neural circuits involved in visual perception. I use a multi-disciplinary approach: using optogenetics and robotics to map neural circuits in vitro, and extra- and intracellular electrophysiological recordings in vivo. I use the mouse primary visual cortex (V1) as a model system, as it combines the ease of manipulating visual stimulus with accessibility for in vivo recordings in a genetically tractable animal model. This combination of in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology with the optogenetic tools provides an integrated platform to dissect and manipulate specific circuits relevant for visual perception, and study diseases affecting perception and neural circuit function, such as autism.