Student Testimonials


"Australia is filled with beautiful scenery, kind people, and countless opportunities! Studying abroad has allowed me to involve myself in another culture on the opposite side of the world. I went in alone, and am coming out with so many new friends, experiences, and life skills. If anyone is even considering it, I definitely recommend studying abroad. I think it's a life experience anyone should have. Each experience is unpredictable and unique, and that is the beauty of study abroad. It has provided me with memories I will treasure for life."

— Kyla Schwartz

"Ireland is amazing, traveling is amazing! Everyone should travel even if it's just for a week. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about yourself and the world. Studying abroad has had a huge impact on my life and is something my college experience would not have been complete without."

— Amy Bugucki

"Engineering is a people business. The role demands that one speak intelligently with physicians, customers, and patients in need. Communication is an essential but acquired skill, and the chance to work with people of different world views helps to accelerate that process. Studying and working abroad gave me that opportunity."

— Matt Pharis

"I had a few circles of friends including classmates, neighbors, and my church. All of these groups were a multicultural mix of people with different backgrounds and personalities which I enjoyed. It was through these relationships that I experienced Denmark, and my experience would have been nothing without them."

— John Rauchenstein

"Exploring the world is so exciting, and you can learn so much about yourself while doing so. My main goal studying abroad was to challenge myself in a unique way. I would certainly say that I succeeded and would recommend it to anyone else that is even remotely interested."

— Maggie Willenbrink

"My favorite part of the program was working on a new device that strives to solve issues with current devices that can positively impact our project partners and their patients."

— Michael Duerte
(Ireland Maymester)