Current Biomedical Engineering Technical Elective (BME) Courses
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Below are the courses approved by the BME Curriculum Committee. Any student can petition to get a course added to this list by filling out the Course Approval Request form below by the stated deadline.
Please access myPurdue to confirm the semester courses are offered. They can change due to instructor availability and course offering rotation. Students are responsible for meeting any restrictions placed on a course; in some cases an override may have to be requested.
BME Elective Policy:
A total of 15 credit hours must be completed with the following requirements:
Two 3-credit hour Quantitative Breadth (QB) courses, one of which must be a Data Science-focused QB course.
Students entering BME prior to Fall 2018 must complete two 3-credit hour Quantitative Breadth courses, but are not required to specify a Data Science focused QB.
Students entering BME prior to Fall 2017 must complete one 3-credit hour Quantitative Breadth course.
A maximum of six credit hours may be taken at the 300-level.
At least one 3 credit hour BME course must be taken at the 400-level from the Biomedical Engineering curriculum. BME 49800 research does not fulfill the 400-level BME tech elective requirement.
The 400-level BME Tech Elective course must be successfully completed with a B or above before any 500-level BME course can be taken. This 400-level tech elective must be a 400-level from the Biomedical Engineering curriculum. BME 49800 research does not fulfill the 400-level BME tech elective requirement.
Only one Regulatory Elective can count toward the technical elective requirement.
One 3-credit course of the technical elective requirements may be satisfied with any of the following approved mentored experiential learning options (must complete all in the same category):
3 credits of EPICS (200-level or higher)
3 credits of BME 49800 research for credit (with research syllabus)
Students enrolling in a BME course cross-listed with another department should register for the BME section on myPurdue
Quantitative Breadth (QB) courses
ABE 301 Modeling and Computational Tools in Biological Engineering
ABE 450 Finite Element Method In Design & Optimization
BME 401 Mathematical & Computational Analysis of Complex Systems (Data Science focus)
BME 440 Computational Mechanics in Biomedical Engineering
BME 450 Deep Learning and Medical Imaging (Data Science focus)
BME 456 Mathematical Models and Methods in Neuromuscular Physiology
BME 501 Multivariate Analyses in Biostatistics (Data Science focus)
BME 511 Biomedical Signal Processing (Data Science focus)
BME 595 Continuum Models in Biomedical Engineering
BME 595/IE 590 Complex Systs Theory & Appls (Data Science focus)
CHE 456 Process Dynamics And Control
CS 314 Numerical Methods (Data Science focus)
CS 355 Introduction to Cryptography (Data Science focus)
CS 381 Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms (Data Science focus)
ECE 302 Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 30411 Electromagnetics I
ECE 510 Introduction to Biometrics (IUPUI)
IE 335 Operations Research-Optimization (Data Science focus)
IE 336 Operational Research-Stochastic Models (Data Science focus)
IE 533 Industrial Applications of Statistics
MA 416 Probability
ME 300 Thermodynamics II
ME 308 Fluid Mechanics
ME 509 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
ME 577/BME 595 Human Motion Kinetics
NUCL 570 Fuzzy Approaches to Engineering
STAT 416 Probability
STAT 512 Applied Regression Analysis (Data Science focus)
STAT 514 Design of Experiments (Data Science focus)
Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
AAE 507 Principles of Dynamics (Fall 2021 and later only)
Agricultural & Biological Engineering
ABE 301 Modeling and Computational Tools in Biological Engineering (QB elective)
ABE 370: Biological and Microbial Kinetics and Reaction Engineering
ABE 440 Cell and Molecular Design Principles
ABE 450 Finite Element Method In Design & Optimization (QB elective)
Biomedical Engineering
BME 401 Mathematical & Computational Analysis of Complex Systems Dynamics in Biology, Medicine, & Healthcare (QB+DS elective)
BME 410 Neural Engineering
BME 430 Intro to Biomedical Imaging
BME 433/495 Biomedical Microscopy
BME 440 Computational Mechanics in Biomedical Engineering (QB elective)
BME 456 Mathematical Models and Methods in Neuromuscular Physiology (QB elective)
BME 460 CV Mechanical Support & Device
BME 470/495 Biomolecular Engineering
BME 450 Deep Learning and Medical Imaging (QB+DS elective)
BME 495 Smart Healthcare Engineering
BME 495/IE490 Grand Challenges & Accessibility
BME 501 Multivariate Analyses in Biostatistics (QB+DS elective)
BME 511 Biomedical Signal Processing (QB+DS elective)
BME 521/ABE 560 Biosensors: Fundamentals and Applications
BME 528/ECE 528 Measurement and Stimulation of the Nervous System
BME 530 Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Technologies
BME 551/BMS 523 Tissue Engineering (Cannot count as a BME tech elective if BME 595 (Principles of Tissue Engineering) has already been taken)
BME 555 MRI Theory
BME 556 Introduction to Clinical Medicine For Engineering Solutions
BME 581 Fundamentals of MEMs and Micro-Integrated Systems
BME 583 Advanced Biomaterials
BME 595 Bioelectronics Theory and Applications
BME 595 Biophotonics: Fundamentals
BME 595 Cell Mechanics
BME 595/IE 590 Complex Systs Theory & Appls (QB+DS elective)
BME 595 Continuum Models in Biomedical Engineering (QB elective)
BME 595/IE 590 Design Of Mobile Robots
BME 595 Electromechanical Robotic Sys
BME 595 Functional MRI Applications (1 Credit)
BME 595 Functional Neuroimaging
BME 595 Healthcare Systems Engineering
BME 595/ME 577 Human Motion Kinetics
BME 595 Implantable Devices
BME 595 Light Tissue Interactions
BME 595 Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Technology
BME 595/BIOL 595 Neural Mechanisms in Health & Disease
BME 595 Point Of Care Diagnostics
BME 595 Polymeric Biomaterials
BME 595/CHE 597 Principles of Tissue Engineering (Cannot count as a BME tech elective if BME 551 has already been taken)
BME 595 Regenerative Biology/Tissue Repair
BME 561 Regulatory Preclinical and Clinical Study Design
BME 562 Regulatory Approval of Biomedical Devices
BME 563 Quality Systems for Regulatory Compliance
BME 495 Global Device Design in Ireland (Maymester abroad)
Chemical Engineering
CHE 348 Chemical Reaction Engineering
CHE 456 Process Dynamics And Control (QB elective)
CHE 517/ME 517 Micro/Nanoscale Physical Processes
CHE 525 Biochemical Engineering
CHE 544 Structure and Physical Behavior of Polymeric Materials
CHE 557 Intelligent Systems in Process Engineering
CHE 597/BME 595 Principles of Tissue Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 30010 Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (Fall 2021 and later only)
ECE 302 Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering (QB elective)
ECE 30411 Electromagnetics I (QB elective)
ECE 30412 Electromagnetics II (Fall 2021 and later only)
ECE 305 Semiconductor Devices
ECE 321 Electromechanical Motion Devices
ECE 362 Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing
ECE 368 Data Structures
ECE 438 Digital Signal Processing with Applications
ECE 441 Distributed Parameter Systems
ECE 455 Integrated Circuit Engineering
ECE 456 Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design
ECE 473 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
ECE 50653 Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics
ECE 510 Introduction to Biometrics (IUPUI) (QB elective)
ECE 511 Psychophysics
Industrial Engineering
IE 335 Operations Research-Optimization (QB+DS elective)
IE 336 Operational Research-Stochastic Models (QB+DS elective)
IE 343 Engineering Economics
IE 386 Work Analysis & Design
IE 472: Imagine, Model, and Make (300-Level Technical Elective)
IE 530/STAT 513 Quality Control
IE 533 Industrial Applications of Statistics (QB elective)
IE 546 Economic Decisions in Engineering
IE 558 Safety Engineering
IE 577/PSY 577 Human Factors in Engineering
IE 590 Assistive Technology Practice
IE 590 Human Factor and Medical Devices
Mechanical Engineering
ME 300 Thermodynamics II (QB elective)
ME 308 Fluid Mechanics (QB elective)
ME 352 Machine Design I
ME 363 Principles & Practices of Manufacturing Processes
ME 413 Noise Control: Fundamentals of Acoustic Waves
ME 444 Computer-Aided Design & Prototyping
ME 489 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (Fall 2021 and later only)
ME 505 Intermediate Heat Transfer
ME 507 Laser Processing
ME 509 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (QB elective)
ME 513 Engineering Acoustics
ME 517/CHE 517 Nanoscale Physical Processes
ME 556 Lubrication, Friction, & Wear
ME 559 Micromechanics of Materials (Fall 2021 and later only)
ME 562 Advanced Dynamics (Fall 2021 and later only)
ME 569 Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Fall 2021 and later only)
ME 577/BME 595 Human Motion Kinetics (QB elective)
ME 586 Microprocessors in Electromechanical Systems
ME 588 Mechatronics-Integrated Design of Electro-Mechanical Systems
Materials Science Engineering
MSE 330 Processing and Properties of Materials
MSE 382 Mechanical Response of Materials
MSE 527 Introduction to Biomaterials
MSE 562 Soft Materials
MSE 576 Corrosion
Nuclear Engineering
NUCL 300 Nuclear Structure and Radiation Interactions
NUCL 470 Fuel Cell Engineering
NUCL 570 Fuzzy Approaches to Engineering (QB elective)
NUCL 597 Introduction to Bioelectrics
STAT 416 Probability (QB elective)
STAT 512 Applied Regression Analysis (QB+DS elective)
STAT 513/IE 530 Quality Control
STAT 514 Design of Experiments (QB+DS elective)
MA 341 Foundations of Analysis
MA 416 Probability (QB elective)
Computer Science
CS 307 Software Engineering
CS 314 Numerical Methods (QB+DS elective)
CS 334 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
CS 348 Information Systems
CS 355 Introduction to Cryptography (QB+DS elective)
CS 381 Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms (QB+DS elective)
CS 408 Software Testing
CS 448 Introduction to Relational Database Systems
CS 471 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Health Sciences
HSCI 312: Radiation Science Fundamentals (Fall 2021 and later only)
HSCI 590: Advance Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction Methods in MRI (Fall 2021 and later only)
HSCI 590: Basics of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (Fall 2021 and later only)
BME Engineering Elective Course Descriptions
Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
AAE 507 Principles of Dynamics (Fall 2021 and later only)
Kinematics, fundamental laws of mechanics, constraints, and generalized coordinates. Lagrange’s equations, virtual work. Application to particle dynamics, rigid body motion, and spacecraft dynamics. Knowledge of differential equations required.
Agricultural & Biological Engineering
ABE 301 Modeling & Computational Tools in Biological Engineering (QB elective)
Introduction to principles of analysis, setup, and modeling of biological systems using fundamental principles of engineering. Development of algebraic and differential models of steady state and transient processes involving material and energy balances, elementary thermodynamic, transport, and kinetic reaction principles, and economics in biological engineering systems.
ABE 370: Biological and Microbial Kinetics and Reaction Engineering
Study of the rates of chemical/biochemical reaction and catalysis in agricultural, food, and biological systems with applications to engineering process design. Applications include microbial growth, enzyme catalysis, fermentation and reactor design. Introductory enzymatic and microbial reaction concepts will be taught and incorporated into reactor design.
ABE 440 Cell and Molecular Design Principles
The design principles underlying mechanisms of cellular functions such as cell architecture, energy storage and conversion, sensing and signaling, communication, time keeping, molecular synthesis, memory, and motility. Emphasis will be placed on the chemical, physical, and mathematical features that determine the performance of the biological device. Topics cover both cellular/biochemical processes and molecular/genetic circuits. Examples are presented from reverse engineering of natural systems and design of new synthetic systems.
ABE 450 Finite Element Method in Design & Optimization (QB elective)
Fundamentals of the finite element method as it is used in modeling, analysis, and design of thermal/fluid and mechanical systems; one- and two-dimensional elements; boundary value problems, heat transfer and fluid flow problems; structural and solid mechanics problems involving beam, truss, plate and shell elements; computer-aided design and optimization of machine components, structural elements and thermal/fluid system.
Biomedical Engineering
BME 401 Mathematical & Computational Analysis of Complex Systems (QB+DS elective)
An introduction to mathematical modeling of nonlinear dynamics in complex systems that appear in biology, medicine, and health care. Mathematical models related to HIV/AIDS (including HIV pathogenesis, AIDS progression and transmission, and prevention and treatment) will be used throughout the course to introduce key concepts such as phase plane, bifurcation, stability diagrams. Complex nonlinear behaviors such as oscillations, bistability, and chaos will also be addressed. Corresponding concepts used in epidemiology and health policy will also be touched upon, including microbial and cellular growth, infectious disease transmission, etc. Course projects are drawn from the current literature.
BME 410 Neural Engineering
At the end of the course, students will be able to define and approach engineering problems in brain research, by building up foundational knowledge about neural sensing, modeling, stimulation, interface, and prosthetics. Specifically, students are expected to develop understanding on 1) characteristics of neural signals in various spatial and temporal scales, 2) relationships between neural activity characteristics and sensation/behavior, 3) existing ways to modulate neural circuit functions, 4) existing applications of neural prosthetics, implants, and robotics.
BME 430 Intro to Biomedical Imaging
Biomedical imaging plays a key role in basic discoveries and diagnostic procedures. The main focus of this course is on basic principles and modes of major bioimaging modalities. This course will covers interactions of electromagnetic radiation with tissue, concepts in imaging and detection, modes of imaging modalities (e.g. reflection, transmission, absorption, and emission), and image characterization. Conventional bioimaging modalities will be used to teach the topics. This course will provide a conceptual framework for biomedical imaging in a reasonably concise and understandable format (with minimal mathematical approaches).
BME 495/433 Biomedical Microscopy
The course covers principles of optics, contrast generation (including genetically encoded probes and physiological indicators), image formation, and image detection, display, and analysis. The course will also discuss specific biomedical applications and discoveries using specific microscopy techniques. The course will also cover modern microscopy modalities such as TIRF, FCS, FRET and super-resolution techniques such as SIM, STED and PALM/STORM. In addition, through demos and guest lectures, we will cover, quantitative fluorescence microscopy, EM, functional MRI, in vivo brain imaging (AO+two photon microscopy), OCT and CARS with their biomedical applications.
BME 440 Computational Mechanics in Biomedical Engineering (QB elective)
This course is intended for senior-level undergraduate students interested in computational modeling of biomedical processes and systems. This course focuses mainly on modeling based on solid mechanics and fluid mechanics, which is the extension of BME 306. The students will be introduced to the most common numerical techniques and will learn the applications of these techniques to biomedical and biomechanical problems at various length scales, using MATLAB and COMSOL.
BME 456 Mathematical Models and Methods in Neuromuscular Physiology (QB elective)
This course uses real-world engineering problems to introduce advanced analytical tools and concepts relevant to biomedical engineering design. Each topic is briefly introduced, and students work in small teams to investigate physical mechanisms involving human anatomy and physiology using mathematical models and methods. Group work is done during scheduled class periods and other times by arrangement. Topics include brain concussions and protective helmets, origin of the electrocardiogram and bi-ventricular pacing, and deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease. Mathematical methods include coupled linear and nonlinear differential equations, finite element analysis, and simulated annealing. Creation of custom computer code is required. Students prepare extensive and detailed written technical reports. A midterm and a final examination encourage individual accountability and understanding.
BME 460 CV Mechanical Support & Device
This course is designed to expose the student to state-of-the-art technologies being utilized in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. The course will emphasize the role of the bioengineer in the development and implementation of these therapies. Students completing this course will have an understanding of the role bioengineers play in clinical engineering and clinical research.
BME 450 Deep Learning and Medical Imaging (QB+DS elective)
This course teaches the foundation of Deep Learning and applications to medical imaging: or how to create computable models of biological neural systems, in particular large-scale neural networks for processing medical images and data. This course focuses on the successful field of “Deep Learning”. By drawing inspiration from neuroscience and statistics, it introduces the basic background on neural networks, presents computable neuron models and extends to large networks of neurons. It also studies learning in both real and artificial neural networks, and ways of learning about the environment with: back propagation, Boltzmann machines, auto-encoders, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks. The course also illustrates how Deep Learning is impacting our understanding of intelligence and contributing to the practical design of automatic medical imaging tools able to augment expert medical personnel, enhance diagnosis accuracy and speed, and lower health-care costs.
BME 495/470 Biomolecular Engineering
Biomolecular engineering is a study on the molecular interaction of biological substructures (e.g. amino acids, lipids, nucleotides) and its impact on the properties of corresponding structures in the biological system (e.g. transport, degradation, localization). This study will be focused on both natural and synthetic interactions of biological components, as well as engineering techniques to enhance, alter, and/or impart new functionality to biomolecules. Current engineering techniques such as amino acid site-specific modification, fluorescent labeling, GFP tagging, recombinant DNA, and gene shuffling will be discussed using relevant examples ranging from scientific research studies to clinical therapeutic studies.
BME 495 Smart Healthcare Engineering
The goal is to train the students to become next-generation health solution experts to equip with a holistic view of smart health, especially community-based senior health, through intense community outreach activities to a local retirement community. The course is designed to open intellectual horizons and allow opportunities for learning by inquiry in a collaborative environment.
This course will provide students the opportunity to interact with administrators and residents at the local retirement community through organized field trips. The course will also include a series of smart health thematic seminars, which will give students opportunities to understand various aspects of the smart health industry, including essential smart health technologies, such as wearable electronics and implantable monitoring, and customer-centered system design and integration, as well as issues related to entrepreneurship, ethics and regulation. Finally, the course will include a series of problem-solving lectures covering various technical issues on customer-centered engineering design, innovation, optimization, execution, and continuous improvement.
BME 495/IE 490 Grand Challenges & Accessibility
This course will focus on a specific challenge faced by persons with disabilities on a local, national, or global level. A systems engineering approach will be used to ensure the greatest level of accessibility for all users. Students will investigate and evaluate the entire process of the challenge including using simulations and prototyping technological solutions to key obstacles in the system. System elements consist of exploring technological solutions, logistics, project management and evaluation, and policies. Examples of grand challenges include accessible autonomous transportation, healthcare delivery, environmental control, and universal design in STEM-based education and jobs.
BME 501 Multivariate Analyses Biostatics (QB+DS elective)
This course focuses on fundamental principles of multivariate statistical analyses in biostatistics, including multiple linear regression, multiple logistic regression, analysis of variance, and basic epidemiology. The fundamental theories are applied to analyze various biomedical applications ranging from laboratory data to large-scale epidemiological data.
BME 511/595 Biomedical Signal Processing (QB elective)
An introduction to the application of digital signal processing and statistical techniques to practical problems involving biomedical signals and systems. Topics include: overview of biomedical signals; linear-algebraic techniques for artifact removal and noise suppression (e.g., altering, active noise cancellation, PCA and other signal-space-projection methods) for univariate and multivariate measurements (e.g., multichannel electrophysiology, fMRI); time-domain analysis and statistical inference on signal features (e.g., ECG signals associated with cardiac anomalies, event-related brain potentials, eye-gaze tracking using electro-oculography); frequency-domain characterization of signals and systems; modeling biomedical time series and systems, and model-based altering (e.g., EEG inverse-problem, brain-computer-interface); analysis of non-stationary signals; pattern classification and diagnostic decisions. A "hands-on" approach is taken throughout the course.
BME 521/ABE 560 Biosensors: Fundamentals and Applications
The course is intended to provide a broad introduction to the field of biosensors as well as an in depth and quantitative view of device design and performance analysis. The student should leave the course with a solid understanding of the current state of the art as well as a basic skill set for continuation into advanced biosensor work and design. Topics are selected to emphasize applications in biological research, clinical diagnostics/therapeutics, bioprocessing, environmental, food safety, and biosecurity.
BME 528/ECE 528 Measurement & Stimulation of the Nervous System
Engineering principles addressing questions of clinical significance in the nervous system: neuroanatomy, fundamental properties of excitable tissues, hearing, vision, motor function, electrical and magnetic stimulation, functional neuroimaging, disorders of the nervous system, development and refinement of sensory prostheses
BME 530 Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Technologies
This gateway course will provide an introduction to the physics, technologies, and biological considerations associated with modern imaging and diagnostic tools. Specific modalities to be examined will include x-ray, nuclear imaging, ultrasound, optical microscopy and tomography, MRI and mass spectrometry. The course also covers principles of optics, contrast generation (including genetically encoded probes and physiological indicators), image formation, detection, and analysis. In addition, through guest lectures, we will hear the recent research progresses and corresponding biomedical applications in areas such as OCT, ultrasound, MRI, fluorescence microscopy, EM, in vivo brain imaging (AO+two photon microscopy), and CARS.
BME 551/BMS 523 Tissue Engineering
This course is designed to provide background for the application of engineering principles with the life sciences to facilitate understanding of normal and pathological mammalian tissues. Applications of drug delivery, tissue and cell transplantation, bioartificial organs, tissue regeneration, disease models, and applications in clinical practice will be explored.
BME 555 MRI Theory
This course is an introduction to the theory and design of magnetic resonance imaging systems, with an emphasis on theory from a physics perspective. Mathematical derivations of fundamental principles will be explored. Topics include image acquisition and reconstruction, mechanisms for image contrast and resolution, and an overview of system design, including magnets, gradients, and radiofrequency coils.
BME 556 Introduction to Clinical Medicine For Engineering Students
This course introduces students to the physiology and medicine underlying major human diseases likely to become research targets in biomedical engineering and medical device development. It encourages students to upgrade research target selection to include projects that promise to improve patient care, with a major emphasis on pathophysiology and disease mechanisms. The information and intellectual approach offered will help students recognize needs for engineering solutions to current challenges in medicine.
The course also previews the intellectual content of medical school, including rigor and level of detail, for engineering students considering designing medical solutions or translational engineering research as a career, emphasizing the key "11-points" necessary for practical understanding of any disease: definition of the condition, causes, functional abnormalities, structural abnormalities, early signs, history and physical findings, differential diagnosis, special studies (lab, imaging, etc.), treatment strategy, specific steps of treatment, and follow up, as well as current clinical needs for innovation and research opportunities for the future. To avoid possible redundancy with the Weldon School undergraduate curriculum, focal areas of the course include topics and body systems not covered in BME 25600, including infectious diseases, cardiopulmonary diseases, hematology-oncology, and gastrointestinal diseases.
BME 581 Fundamentals of MEMs and Mirco-Integrated Systems
Key topics in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and biological micro-integrated systems; properties of materials for MEMS; microelectronic process modules for design and fabrication. Students will prepare a project report on the design of a biomedical MEMS-based micro-integrated system. Offered in alternate years.
BME 595 Bioelectronics Theory and Applications
This course will cover design, and working principles of bioelectronics devices and systems. Emphasis will be on interfacial phenomena, sensor topology, readout circuits, transducing principles, and techniques. Fundamental physical principles involved in signal transduction, signal readout, and the overall applications space will also be discussed. Key factors involved in integration of electronic transducers with fluids and biomolecules geared towards efficient and high SNR readout will be deliberated. The overall application space will encompass biomolecular sensors, electrophysiology, electrochemistry and emerging methods.
BME 595 Biophotonics: Fundamentals
The course covers fundamental principles of geometry optics, light propagation, wave and Fourier optics, optical instrumental design principles and practices, image formation and detection. The course will also discuss specific biomedical discoveries associate with specific microscopy methods and important and advanced mathematical/statistical concept important to biophotonics methods. The course will also cover modern microscopy modalities such as laser scanning microscopy, confocal microscopy, Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, and Super Resolution Microscopy Methods such as SIM, STED and PALM/STORM.
BME 595 Cell Mechanics
This course develops and applies scaling approaches and simplified models to biomechanical phenomena at molecular, cellular, and tissue level. Topics include: Molecular forces; Viscous drag; Brownian motion; Diffusion; Polymer mechanics; Polymer dynamics; Molecular motors; Cytoskeleton; Viscoelasticity; Membrane; Cell migration; Cell adhesion; Mechanobiology; Mechanotransduction; Elastic, viscoelastic, and poroelastic behavior of tissues; Cell-matrix interaction.
BME 595/IE 590 Complex Systs Theory & Appls (QB+DS elective)
Complex systems face challenges both in mathematical modeling and philosophical foundations. From a general perspective, the study of complex systems represents a set of approaches to science that assess how relationships between parts give rise to the collective behaviors of a system, and also how the system interacts and develops relationships with its environment. The following topics related to complex systems will be covered: Introduction to Complex Systems; Emergence, Self-Organization and Collective Behavior; Fractal objects/Fractal dimension; Network Science; Information Theory; Chaos; Systems Theory; and Game Theory.
BME 595 Continuum Models in Biomedical Engineering (QB elective)
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to continuum physics (primarily mechanics and fluids) as they apply to problems in biomedical engineering and to elucidate the relationship between continuum physics and mathematics. First, we will explore systems of linear equations, matrices, and vector spaces and show how they are related to tensors, especially those that describe motion and stress. Second, we will consider vector calculus and how it is used to derive the governing equations for all branches of continuum physics. Finally, we will derive some simple constitutive laws and solve problems that utilize archetypal partial differential equations. Throughout the course we will focus on applications to biological and biomedical processes, especially the cardiovascular system, the lungs, and the musculoskeletal system.
BME 595/IE 590 Design of Mobile Robots
Course description coming soon!
BME 595 Electromechanical Robotic Systems
This course develops a holistic view of an initial competency in engineering design by conceiving, designing, manufacturing, and optimizing robotic systems. Activities include rapid prototyping of electronic/robotic devices using Arduino microcontrollers and different servo motors. The focus is on the design and the implementation of robotic systems. The pedagogy is based on active learning and a balance of lectures and hands-on activities.
BME 595 Functional MRI Applications (1 credit)
This course covers basic theory and practical training for magnetic resonance imaging. Students will gain hands-on experience with, and work to become independent operators on, current MRI equipment within the Purdue MRI Facility. Weekly lectures will be provided on a wide range of applied and relevant topics, including image formation and contrast, pulse sequence basics, artifacts, advanced sequences, and safety. Weekly labs will allow students to directly train on a 7 Telsa (T) animal system (Bindley Biosciences) or a 3T GE human system (MRI Facility). The course is ideally designed for students who want to make use of MRI to advance their research.
BME 595 Functional Neuroimaging
Understanding the human brain has been defined by many as one of 21st Century Grand Challenges. To address this challenge, one of the key tools is functional neuroimaging – a set of ever improving technologies to image dynamic patterns of brain activity during behavior. This course focuses on the principles and applications of various established and emerging technologies for imaging brain activity in vivo across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. It covers functional magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, single-photon emission computed tomography, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, diffuse optical tomography, intrinsic signal optical imaging, voltage sensitive dye imaging, two-photo calcium imaging, functional ultrasound, and photoacoustic tomography, all in the context of brain functions. Special emphasis is on the pros and cons of individual modalities, and their integration toward more comprehensive understandings of how human sensation, behavior, and cognition emerge from complex network activity. The course will also introduce advanced topics, such as machine learning for functional imaging data, contrast-agent based cellular and molecular imaging in the brain, and portable devices for functional neuroimaging in realistic environments.
BME 595 Healthcare Systems Engineering
The U.S. healthcare system is undertaking significant transform in recently years. A large amount of operations research approaches have been taken to design and develop better healthcare delivery systems in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, timeliness, etc. In this course, we will introduce students to healthcare delivery problems that can be studied through systems engineering tools such as mathematical modeling and decision analysis. There will be two types of topics covered in this course: 1) decision analysis and mathematical programming tools that have been used in understanding, analyzing, and optimizing healthcare systems; 2) basics of the healthcare systems with emphasis on the United States.
BME 595/ME 577 Human Motion Kinetics (QB elective)
This course is designed to provide students with a the fundamentals of dynamics and mechanics as they apply to problems in biomechanics with special emphasis on sports injuries, motor vehicle collisions, restraint systems, ergonomics, falls, blunt trauma, and penetrating trauma. Throughout the course, we pay special attention to the use of mathematical modeling to mitigate human injuries. Consequently, if you are interested in basic biomechanics, automobile design, forensics, the design of protective gear for athletes, and/or fighting crime this might be a good class for you to take.
BME 595 Implantable Devices
Course description coming soon!
BME 595 Light Tissue Interactions
Biophotonics has been established as a transdisciplinary research field where various optical sciences and technologies are applied to solve problems in medicine and to gain a fundamental understanding in biology. This course covers basic principles of light-tissue interactions for biomedical science and clinical medicine. The course consists of lectures, case studies, and student presentations.
BME 595 Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Technology
Course description coming soon!
BME 595/BIOL 595 Neural Mechanisms in Health & Disease
An examination of the mechanisms by which nervous systems process information in normal and pathologic states. Cellular and systems-level information processing will be studied with a focus on sensory and motor systems. Students will gain some hands-on experience in the analysis of neural data. Some neuroanatomy will be included to understand how nervous systems are organized. Pathological states such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and aging will be studied, both in terms of understanding the systems and cellular deficits as well as examining potential solutions to improve the outcomes for these neural disorders.
BME 595 Point of Care Diagnostics
This course provides an overview of diagnostic technologies that can be used at the point of care, including colorimetric tests, lateral flow assays, electrochemical detection, and emerging point-of-care diagnostics. The course will consist of readings, lectures, prototyping sessions, and a final project. Topics include the principles of assay design, validation, and commercial development, with a focus on diagnostics for low-resource settings. In addition, we will touch upon translational issues and technical constraints of global health diagnostics. Coursework will include the application of engineering principles and quantitative analyses of existing and emerging technologies.
BME 595 Polymeric Biomaterials
This course will provide students a fundamental understanding of polymer science as well as design considerations of functional polymeric biomaterials. Topics of interest will include polymer synthesis and characterization as well as design and application of polymeric biomaterials in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, and medical implants. This interdisciplinary course involves the integration of materials science, chemistry, biology, and engineering principles, and will foster independent thinking of students in developing advanced biomaterials with appropriate physical, chemical, and biological properties.
BME 595/CHE 597 Principles in Tissue Engineering
This course will address the design strategies for engineering tissues and organs. In particular, we will focus on the underlying biological and engineering principles that are used for the design of an appropriate scaffold, selection and comparison of cell sources, and the use of exogenous (growth) factors. Examples from primary literature will be used. Topics include cell-material interactions, examples of scaffolds, and degradation kinetics of the materials.
BME 595 Regenerative Biology/Tissue Repair
This course covers the biological aspects behind the regeneration/repair and the utilization of engineering strategies to restore functionality of tissues compromised by injury and disease. A range of tissues, including epidermal, neural, digestive, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular, will be discussed. Key topics critical for understanding the biological underpinnings of tissue regeneration (e.g. immune response, cell-matrix interactions) will be emphasized. Readings will be from the required text and current literature so that by the end of the course students will be well versed in the current state of regenerative biology and the integration of engineered therapies.
BME 561 Regulatory Preclinical and Clinical Study Design
Students will more thoroughly understand device tissue interactions and how they may be studied with pre-clinical animal models to predict safety and performance in human clinical trials that are necessary to gain regulatory approval for marketing. Other course objectives include: appreciate bioethics concerns in animal and human testing, recognize the phases in the product development life cycle when pre-clinical and clinical testing is implemented, understand practical issues of study logistics such as selecting a site or contract research organization, developing timelines and budgets, maintaining communication, documentation and monitoring, and issuing final reports.
BME 562 Regulatory Approval of Biomedical Devices
Medical devices are developed, manufactured, and distributed in a highly-regulated environment. This course primarily concerns the processes for obtaining FDA marketing approval or clearance for biomedical devices. Prior to marketing a medical device in the US, a specific governmental approval or clearance is required depending on the type of device and the risk associated with the device. Regulatory processes for class I, II, and III devices, including combination devices, are covered with specific focus on 510(k) and PMA requirements. Approval requirements in the EU, Japan and other countries will also be briefly considered. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on regulatory science, regulatory strategy and principles of interacting with regulatory agencies.
BME 563 Quality Systems for Regulatory Compliance
Medical devices are developed and manufactured in a highly regulated environment. This course will provide an introduction, overview, and systematic study of the intent and impact of the major federal laws and regulations governing the development, manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of medical devices. Focus is on understanding the critical elements of regulatory science and quality compliance from a design control perspective. Instruction and mentoring in regulatory science skills is provided by academics and industry representatives with expertise in their fields.
BME 495 Global Device Design in Ireland (Maymester Abroad)
Course description coming soon!
Chemical Engineering
CHE 348 Chemical Reaction Engineering
Application of kinetic rate equations, mass balances and energy balances to the analysis and design of chemical reactors involving homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions. Chemical equilibria, kinetic rate equations for homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyzed reactions, design of ideal isothermal reactors, effects of non-isothermal operation, effects of diffusion in porous catalysts and non-ideal mixing in continuous flow reactors.
CHE 456 Process Dynamics and Control (QB elective)
Dynamic response and control of chemical processing equipment, such as heat exchangers, chemical reactors, and absorption towers. Use is made of fundamental techniques of servomechanism theory, such as block diagrams, transfer functions, and frequency response. Introduction to advanced control techniques.
CHE 517/ME 517 Micro/Nanoscale Physical Processes
Study of physical processes encountered in small scale systems like Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology. Introduction of tools for micron to molecular scale analysis of statics, dynamics, electricity and magnetism, surface phenomena, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and mass transfer. Quantitative analysis of specific MEMS devices using finite element analysis
CHE 525 Biochemical Engineering
Course description coming soon!
CHE 544 Structure & Physical Behavior of Polymeric Materials
Statistical mechanics of chain molecules, thermodynamics of polymer solutions, phase separations, experimental methods of molecular weight determination, crystallization of polymers, polymer physics, rubber elasticity, viscoelasticity.
CHE 557 Intelligent Systems in Process Engineering
Introduction to artificial intelligence concepts and techniques and their application to important problems in process systems engineering. Topics covered include: introduction to artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and search, knowledge-based systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, inexact reasoning techniques, industrial case studies in process fault diagnosis and control, design and synthesis, planning and scheduling, AI languages, tools, and environments.
CHE 597/BME 595 Principles in Tissue Engineering
This course will address the design strategies for engineering tissues and organs. In particular, we will focus on the underlying biological and engineering principles that are used for the design of an appropriate scaffold, selection and comparison of cell sources, and the use of exogenous (growth) factors. Examples from primary literature will be used. Topics include cell-material interactions, examples of scaffolds, and degradation kinetics of the materials.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 30010 Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
ECE 302 Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering (QB elective)
An introductory treatment of probability theory, including distribution and density functions, moments, and random variables. Applications of normal and exponential distributions. Estimation of means, variances, correlation, and spectral density functions. Random processes and responses of linear systems to random inputs.
ECE 30411 Electromagnetics I (QB elective)
This course is a continued study of vector calculus, electrostatics, magnetostatics, and Maxwell's Equations. It serves as an introduction to electromagnetic waves and transmission lines, which is continued in ECE 30412.
ECE 30412 Electromagnetics II
Course description coming soon!
ECE 305 Semiconductor Devices
Introduces and explains terminology, models, properties, and concepts associated with semiconductor devices. Provides detailed insight into the internal workings of the “building-block” device structures such as the pn-junction diode, Schottky diode, BJT, and MOSFET. Presents information about a wide variety of other devices including solar cells, LEDs, HBTs, and modern field-effect devices. Systematically develops the analytical tools needed to solve practical device problems.
ECE 321 Electromechanical Motion Devices
The general theory of electromechanical motion devices relating electric variables and electromagnetic forces. The basic concepts and operational behavior of dc, induction, brushless dc, and stepper motors used in control applications are presented.
ECE 362 Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing
An introduction to microcontroller instruction sets, assembly language programming, microcontroller interfacing, microcontroller peripherals, and embedded system design.
ECE 368 Data Structures
Provides insight into the use of data structures. Topics include stacks, queues and lists, trees, graphs, sorting, searching, and hashing.
ECE 438 Digital Signal Processing with Applications
The course is presented in five units. Foundations: the review of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and spectral analysis; design of finite impulse response and infinite impulse response digital filters; processing of random signals. Speech processing; vocal tract models and characteristics of the speech waveform; short-time spectral analysis and synthesis; linear predictive coding. Image processing: two-dimensional signals, systems and spectral analysis; image enhancement; image coding; and image reconstruction. The laboratory experiments are closely coordinated with each unit. Throughout the course, the integration of digital signal processing concepts in a design environment is emphasized.
ECE 441 Distributed Parameter Systems
Transient and steady-state behavior of transmission lines, wave guides, antennas, propagation, noise, microwave sources, and system design.
ECE 455 Integrated Circuit Engineering
Analysis, design, and fabrication of silicon bipolar and MOSFET monolithic integrated circuits. Consideration of amplifier circuit design and fabrication techniques with circuit simulation using Spice-2. Integrated operational amplifiers with difference amplifiers, current sources, active loads, and voltage references. Design of IC analog circuit building blocks.
ECE 456 Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design
Course description coming soon!
ECE 473 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The course introduces fundamental areas of artificial intelligence: knowledge representation and reasoning; machine learning; planning; game playing; natural language processing; and vision.
ECE 50653 Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics
The modern smartphone is enabled by a billion-plus nano-transistors, each having an active region that is barely a few hundred atoms long. Interestingly the same amazing technology has also led to a deeper understanding of the nature of current flow on an atomic scale. The aim of this course is to make the fundamentals of nanoelectronics accessible to anyone in any branch of science or engineering, assuming very little background beyond linear algebra and differential equations, although we will be discussing advanced concepts in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that should be of interest even to specialists. We first introduce a new perspective connecting the quantized conductance of short ballistic conductors to the familiar Ohm's law of long diffusive conductors, along with a brief description of the modern nano-transistor. We then address fundamental conceptual issues related to the meaning of resistance on an atomic scale, the interconversion of electricity and heat, the second law of thermodynamics and the fuel value of information. Finally we introduce the concepts of quantum transport as applied to modern nanoscale electronic devices.
ECE 510 Introduction to Biometrics (IUPUI) (QB elective)
Biometrics is an emerging technology for automatic human identification and verification using unique biological traits. Compared to traditional identification and verification methods, biometrics is more convenient for users, reduces fraud, and is more secure. It is becoming an important ally of security, intelligence, law enforcement, and e-commerce. The principle of various biometric technologies and systems is introduced. Especially, students analyze and design fingerprint recognition, face recognition, iris recognition, voice recognition, and multimodal biometric systems. Students have hands-on experience in designing and analyzing biometric systems.
ECE 511 Psychophysics (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
Industrial Engineering
IE 335 Operational Research-Optimization (QB elective)
An introduction to deterministic optimization modeling and algorithms in operations research. The emphasis is on translating decision-making problems into the frameworks of linear optimization, network optimization, and discrete optimization, and the methodological techniques for solving these optimization models.
IE 336 Operational Research-Stochastic Models (QB elective)
Introduction to probabilistic models in operations research. Emphasis on Markov chains, Poisson processes, and their application to queuing systems.
IE 343 Engineering Economics
Cost measurement and control in engineering studies. Basic accounting concepts, income measurement, and valuation problems. Manufacturing cost control and standard cost systems. Capital investment, engineering alternatives, and equipment replacement studies.
IE 386 Work Analysis & Design I
Fundamentals of work methods and measurement. Applications of engineering, psychological, and physiological principles to the analysis and design of human work systems.
IE 472 Imagine, Make, Model (300-Level Technical Elective)
This course develops a holistic view of an initial competency in engineering design by conceiving, designing, manufacturing, and optimizing a system component such as a complex structural part. Activities include hand sketching, CAD modeling, and operation of CNC machining equipment for rapid prototyping. Tolerance requirements will be verified and optimized prior to the fabrication of the part in the laboratory using rapid prototyping techniques. The focus is on the design process itself as well as the complementary roles of human creativity and computational methods and tools.
IE 530/STAT 513 Quality Control
Principles and practices of statistical quality control in industry. Control charts for measurements and for attributes. Acceptance sampling by attributes and by measurements. Standard sampling plans. Sequential analysis. Sampling inspection of continuous production.
IE 533 Industrial Applications of Statistics (QB elective)
The application of statistics to the effective design and analysis of industrial studies relating to manufacturing and human factors engineering in order to optimize the utilization of equipment and resources. Emphasis on conducting these studies at the least cost.
IE 546 Economic Decisions in Engineering
Topics in decision making and rationality including decision analysis, decision making under uncertainty, and various descriptive and prescriptive models from operations research, economics, psychology, and business. Applications are drawn from engineering decision making, public policy, and personal decision making. Attention also is paid to designing aids to improve decision making.
IE 558 Safety Engineering
Application of human factors and engineering practice in accident prevention and the reduction of health hazards are presented. The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of the safety and health practices which fall within the responsibilities of the engineer in industry. Special attention is devoted to the detection and correction of hazards and to contemporary laws and enforcement on occupational safety and health.
IE 577/PSY 577 Human Factors in Engineering
Survey of human factors in engineering with particular reference to human functions in human-machine systems, and consideration of human abilities and limitations in relation to design of equipment and work environments.
IE 590 Assistive Technology Practice
This course introduces rehabilitation engineering through the use, design, evaluation, and delivery of assistive technology (AT) for persons with disabilities. Students will learn about specific disabilities and their impact on daily living, educational, and occupational activities, become familiar with current policies related to AT, explore a range of assistive technology devices and systems, learn a theoretical framework to make AT assessment and intervention decisions, determine how to match appropriate AT options with individual consumer needs and preferences, and learn to work together on interdisciplinary teams to develop assistive devices and make AT recommendations to consumers with a variety of disabling conditions and AT needs.
IE 590 Human Factor & Medical Devices
Course description coming soon!
Mechanical Engineering
ME 300 Thermodynamics II (QB elective)
Properties of gas mixtures, air-vapor mixtures, applications. Thermodynamics of combustion processes, equilibrium. Energy conversion, power, and refrigeration systems.
ME 308 Fluid Mechanics (QB elective)
Continuum, velocity field, fluid statics, manometers, basic conservation laws for systems and control volumes, dimensional analysis. Euler and Bernoulli equations, viscous flows, boundary layers, flow in channels and around submerged bodies, one-dimensional gas dynamics, turbomachinery.
ME 352 Machine Design I
Introduction to the principles of design and analysis of machines and machine components. Design for functionality, motion, force, strength, and reliability. The laboratory experience provides open-ended projects to reinforce the design process.
ME 363 Principles & Practices of Manufacturing Processes
Manufacturing processes for engineering materials, both metallic and non-metallic. Fundamentals of manufacturing processes with a "hands-on" laboratory sequence. Analysis and design of processes for various engineering materials and their link to engineering design. Hands-on experiences through laboratory experiments and demonstrations. Not open to students with credit in IE 37000.
ME 413 Noise Control: Fundamentals of Acoustic Waves
Properties Fundamentals of acoustic waves. Psychoacoustics and theories of hearing. Enviromental and building acoustics. Measurement methods and common instrumentation. Noise control methods. Machinery noise. Community reaction. Legal aspects. Design-oriented semester project.
ME 444 Computer-Aided Design & Prototyping
Introduction to advanced computer-aided design (CAD) for product design, modeling, and prototyping. Individual use and team-based environment to design and prototype a functional and marketable product. Projects include use of the advanced design tools to produce a working prototype that is manufacturable. Application to design, manufacturing, and analysis.
ME 489 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
ME 505 Intermediate Heat Transfer
Heat and mass transfer by diffusion in one-dimensional, two-dimensional, transient, periodic, and phase change systems. Convective heat transfer for external and internal flows. Similarity and integral solution methods. Heat, mass, and momentum analogies. Turbulence. Buoyancy-driven flows. Convection with phase change. Radiation exchange between surfaces and radiation transfer in absorbing-emitting media. Multimode heat transfer problems.
ME 507 Laser Processing
Introduces background knowledge in laser science and laser technology and fundamentals involved in laser processing and manufacturing. The following topics are discussed: laser fundamentals, industrial laser systems and processes, and the laser-induced thermal, thermo-mechanical, and thermo-acoustic effects. The course also discusses emerging areas of laser applications, such as microscale laser processing, ultra fast laser processing, and the related energy transport analyses. Laboratory and video demonstration sessions are used to enhance the overall understanding of the course materials.
ME 509 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (QB elective)
Fluid properties. Basic laws for a control volume. Kinematics of fluid flow. Dynamics of frictionless incompressible flow and basic hydrodynamics. Equations of motion for viscous flow, viscous flow applications, boundary layer theory. Wall turbulence, lift and drag of immersed bodies.
ME 513 Engineering Acoustics
The simple oscillator. Lumped acoustical elements. Electro-mechanical-acoustical analogies. Wave motion in strings and membranes. Introduction to linear acoustics through derivation of the wave equation and simple solutions. Plane and spherical waves. Acoustic intensity. Plane wave transmission through fluid layers and simple barriers. Sound absorption. Modeling of acoustical sources: monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles. Mechanisms of sound generation and directionality. Sound propagation in one-dimensional systems (e.g., ducts and mufflers). Introduction to room acoustics.
ME 517/CHE 517 Micro/Nanoscale Physical Processes
Study of physical processes encountered in small scale systems like Micro-electromechanical Systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology. Introduction of tools for micron to molecular scale analysis of statics, dynamics, electricity and magnetism, surface phenomena, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and mass transfer. Quantitative analysis of specific MEMS devices using finite element analysis.
ME 556 Lubrication, Friction & Wear
Science, technology, and application of lubricated interacting surfaces in relative motion. Advanced analysis techniques and hands-on exposure to modern experimental methods provide an enhanced understanding of fundamental principles of lubrication, friction, and wear. Basics of design and analysis of machine components operating in the presence of air and liquid lubricants. Rolling fatigue, friction and wear models, and measurement techniques.
ME 559 Micromechanics of Materials (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
ME 562 Advanced Dynamics (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
ME 569 Mechanical Behavior of Materials (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
ME 577/BME 595 Human Motion Kinetics (QB elective)
Study of kinetics related to human motion. Review of human anatomy and anthropometric data. Planar and three-dimensional kinematic analysis of gross human motion. Detailed kinematic studies of human joints. Newton-Euler and Lagrangian methods for joint torques. Muscle force and power analysis. Studies on walking, jumping, cycling, and throwing exercises.
ME 586 Microprocessors in Electromechanical Systems
Architecture of microcomputers; operating systems, logic functions, logic circuit design; I/O structure and interfacing; assembly language, manual assembly; software and hardware interrupts; data acquisition, serial and parallel communications; the role of high level languages. Laboratory experiments on applications to electrical, mechanical, and thermofluid systems.
ME 588 Mechatronics-Integrated Design of Electro-Mechanical Systems
Electronic and interfacing techniques for design and control of electro-mechanical systems. Basic digital and analog design with applications to electro-mechanical interfacing via hands-on laboratory experience. Commonly used actuators and sensors and corresponding interfacing techniques. Realistic and integrated product development experience provided through a comprehensive final project where working prototypes are built to defined specifications.
Materials Science Engineering
MSE 330 Processing and Properties of Materials
Course description coming soon!
MSE 382 Mechanical Response of Materials
This course encompasses deformation-based microscopic mechanisms, including dislocation motion, diffusion, and viscoplasticity. Macroscopic mechanical response of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites will be related to elasticity and plasticity concepts for single crystal, polycrystalline, and amorphous materials. Practical design considerations for deformation will be included as well as an introduction to fracture mechanisms.
MSE 527 Introduction to Biomaterials
Course description coming soon!
MSE 562 Soft Materials
Soft materials are an important and diverse class of materials that share the common trait of being easily deformable by external stresses, electric or magnetic fields or even thermal fluctuations. These materials are the foundation of important technologies that are used in everyday life including ceramic and pharmaceutical processing (tablet formation), cosmetics (hand creams), cleaning products, foods (milk, mayonnaise) and bio-technologies (drug delivery). The aim of this class is to gain a fundamental understanding of the physical and chemical underpinnings of common soft materials systems and how they are used to engineer technologically relevant materials and structures.
MSE 576 Corrosion
This course seeks a balance between “corrosion science (predictions based on understanding of fundamentals) and “corrosion technology” (practical applications, often empirical). The fundamental tools are thermodynamics (will corrosion occur and what are the corrosion products?) and kinetics (what is the corrosion mechanism and how fast does corrosion proceed?)
Nuclear Engineering
NUCL 300 Nuclear Structure and Radiation Interactions
Review of atomic properties and introduction to nuclear models. Discussion of radioactive decay and the interaction of nuclear radiation and reaction products with matter. Energetics and cross-sections of nuclear reactions with applications to problems typical of nuclear engineering.
NUCL 470 Fuel Cell Engineering
The principles of electromechanical energy conversion for a single fuel cell, fuel cell stack, process engineering in the fuel and oxidizer supply systems. Principles, components, operation and performance for alkaline, phosphoric acid, solid polymer, molten carbonate and solid oxide fuel cells. Provides broad insight into science, technology, system design, and safety concerns in design and operation of fuel cells.
NUCL 570 Fuzzy Approaches in Engineering (QB elective)
This class will cover the historical foundations of fuzzy logic, computation, learning, thought, and the motivation for the emergence and the applications of fuzzy logic.
NUCL 597 Introduction to Bioelectrics
Course description coming soon!
STAT 416/MA 416 Probability (QB elective)
Course description coming soon!
STAT 512 Applied Regression Analysis (QB elective)
Thorough applied course in regression and analysis of variance including experience with the SAS statistical software package. Topics include inference in simple and multiple linear regression, residual analysis, transformation, polynomial regression, model building with real data, nonlinear regression. One-way and two-way analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, fixed and random factors, analysis of covariance. Not mathematically advanced, but covers a large volume of material. Requires calculus, and simple matrix algebra is helpful. Recommended for graduate students and for hard working undergraduates from all areas.
STAT 513/IE 530 Quality Control
Principles and practices of statistical quality control in industry. Control charts for measurements and for attributes. Acceptance sampling by attributes and by measurements. Standard sampling plans. Sequential analysis. Sampling inspection of continuous production.
STAT 514 Design of Experiments (QB elective)
Course Objectives: To be able to plan an experiment in such a way that the statistical analysis results in valid and objective conclusions. To learn a variety of experimental designs and be able to choose an appropriate design for a specific experiment. To be able to perform the proper statistical analysis and draw valid conclusions from a specific experiment.
MA 341 Foundations of Analysis
Course description coming soon!
MA 416/STAT 416 Probability (QB elective)
Course description coming soon!
Computer Science
CS 307 Software Engineering
An introduction to the methods and tools of software engineering; software life cycle; specification and design of software, software testing, cost and effort estimation; laboratory exercises with design, testing, and other tools.
CS 314 Numerical Methods (QB+DS elective)
Iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations; direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems; approximations of functions, derivatives, and integrals; error analysis.
CS 334 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
Fundamental principles and techniques of computer graphics. The course covers the basics of going from a scene representation to a raster image using OpenGL. Specific topics include coordinate manipulations, perspective, basics of illumination and shading, color models, texture maps, clipping and basic raster algorithms, fundamentals of scene constructions. CS 314 is recommended.
CS 348 Information Systems
File organization and index structures; object-oriented database languages; the relational database model with introductions to SQL and DBMS; hierarchical models and network models with introductions to HDDL, HDML, and DBTG Codasyl; data mining; data warehousing; database connectivity; distributed databases; the client/server paradigm; middleware, including ODBC, JDBC, CORBA, and MOM.
CS 355 Introduction to Cryptography
An introduction to cryptography basics: Classic historical ciphers including Caesar, Vigenere and Vernam ciphers; modern ciphers including DES, AES, Pohlig-Hellman, and RSA; signatures and digests; key exchange; simple protocols; block and stream ciphers; network-centric protocols.
CS 381 Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms (QB+DS elective)
Techniques for analyzing the time and space requirements of algorithms. Application of these techniques to sorting, searching, pattern-matching, graph problems, and other selected problems. Brief introduction to the intractable (NP-hard) problems.
CS 408 Software Testing
Preliminaries: errors and testing; software quality, requirements, behavior, and correctness; testing, debugging, verification; control flow graphs, dominators; types of testing; Test selection: from requirements, finite state models, and combinatorial designs; regression testing and test minimization; Test adequacy assessment: control and data flow; mutation based; testing tools.
CS 448 Introduction to Relational Database Systems
An in-depth examination of relational database systems including theory and concepts as well as practical issues in relational databases. Modern database technologies such as object-relational and Web-based access to relational databases. Conceptual design and entity relationship modeling, relational algebra and calculus, data definition and manipulation languages using SQL, schema and view management, query processing and optimization, transaction management, security, privacy, integrity management.
CS 471 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Students are expected to spend at least three hours per week gaining experience with artificial intelligence systems and developing software. Basic problem-solving strategies, heuristic search, problem reduction and AND/OR graphs, knowledge representation, expert systems, generating explanations, uncertainty reasoning, game playing, planning, machine learning, computer vision, and programming systems such as Lisp or Prolog.
Health Sciences
HSCI 312 Radiation Science Fundamentals (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
HSCI 590 Advance Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction Methods in MRI (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
HSCI 590 Basics of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (Fall 2021 and later only)
Course description coming soon!
Updated: 10/15/2021.