Technical Engineering Selectives

Technical Engineering selectives are courses approved by the BME curriculum committee which allow a student to gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles and concepts. Technical Engineering selectives are mainly courses in the various engineering disciplines including BME and other core STEM areas such as Computer Science, Statistics, and Mathematics. It is recommended that students complete technical engineering selectives that correspond with their depth area, but it is not required.

If you would like to request that a course not on the list be considered for one-time approval as a Technical elective, please contact your academic advisor. Approval requests submitted after the second week of classes will not be considered. The deadline for Spring 2024 approval requests is January 19, 2024.

A total of 15 credit hours must be completed with the following requirements/restrictions:

  • Students must complete at least one 3-credit hour 400-level BME technical engineering selective (BME 4####). BME 49800 research does not fulfill the 400-level BME tech elective requirement.
  • The 400-level BME technical engineering selective must be successfully completed with a grade of B or above before any 500-level BME technical selective (BME 5####) can be taken.
  • Students must complete one 3-credit hour Quantitative Breadth (QB) course and one 3-credit hour Data Science-focused QB course (QB-DS).
  • A maximum of six credit hours may be taken at the 200- & 300-level.
  • Only one Regulatory technical engineering selective can count toward the technical engineering selective requirement. Students are not required to complete a Regulatory technical engineering selective.
  • 3 credits of technical engineering selectives may be satisfied with any of the following approved mentored experiential learning options (must complete all in the same category):
    • 3 credits of EPICS or VIP (200-level or higher)
    • 3 credits of BME 49800 research for technical engineering selective credit (with appropriate documentation)
  • Students enrolling in a BME course cross-listed with another department should register for the BME section of the course.
  • Data Science Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB-DS)
    • BME 45000: Deep Learning and Medical Imaging
    • BME 50100: Multivariate Analyses in Biostatistics
    • BME 51100: Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB)
    • ECE 30200: Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • ECE 30411: Electromagnetics I
  • Technical Engineering Selectives
    • BME 41000: Neural Engineering
    • BME 49500: Introduction to Biophotonics
    • BME 49500: Global Device Design in Ireland (Maymester abroad)
    • BME 52100/ABE 56000: Biosensors: Fundamentals and Applications
    • BME 52800: Measurement and Stimulation of the Nervous System
    • BME 55500: MRI Theory
    • BME 55600: Introduction to Clinical Medicine for Engineering Solutions
    • BME 59500: Bioelectronics theory and applications
    • BME 59500: Functional Neuroimaging
    • BME 59500: Implantable devices
    • BME 59500: Light Tissue Interactions
    • BME 59500: MEMS
    • BME 59500: Neural Mechanisms in Health & Disease
    • CHE 51700/ME 51700: Micro/Nanoscale Physical Processes
    • ECE 30412: Electromagnetics II
    • ECE 30500: Semiconductor Devices
    • ECE 32100: Electromechanical Motion Devices
    • ECE 43800: Digital Signal Processing with Applications
    • ECE 45500: Integrated Circuit Engineering
    • ECE 45600: Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis and Design
    • ECE 50653: Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics
    • NUCL 59700: Introduction to Bioelectrics
  • Data Science Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB-DS)
    • BME 45000: Deep Learning and Medical Imaging
    • BME 50100: Multivariate Analyses in Biostatistics
    • BME 51100: Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB)
    • ECE 30200: Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • ECE 30411: Electromagnetics I
  • Technical Engineering Selectives
    • BME 41000: Neural Engineering
    • BME 46000: Cardiovascular Mechanical Support and Devices
    • BME 49500: Introduction to Biophotonics
    • BME 52800: Measurement and Stimulation of the Nervous System
    • BME 55500: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Theory
    • BME 55600: Introduction to Clinical Medicine for Engineering Solutions
    • BME 59500: Biophotonics: Fundamentals
    • BME 59500: Light Tissue Interactions
    • BME 59500: Neural Mechanisms in Health & Disease
    • ECE 30010: Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
    • ECE 30412: Electromagnetics II
    • ECE 51100/PSY 51100: Psychophysics
    • HSCI 31200: Radiation Science Fundamentals
    • HSCI 59000: Advanced Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction Methods in MRI
    • HSCI 59000: Basics of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
    • NUCL 59700: Introduction to Bioelectrics
  • Data Science Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB-DS)
    • BME 40100: Mathematical & Computational Analysis of Complex Systems
    • BME 59500/IE 59000: Complex Systems Theory & Applications
  • Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB)
    • ABE 30100: Numerical and Computational Modeling in Biological Engineering
    • ABE 45000: Finite Element Method in Design & Optimization
    • BME 44000: Computational Mechanics in Biomedical Engineering
    • BME 59500: Continuum Models in Biomedical Engineering
    • ME 30000: Thermodynamics II
  • Technical Engineering Selectives
    • AAE 50700: Principles of Dynamics
    • BME 46000: CV Mechanical Support & Device
    • BME 47000: Biomolecular Engineering
    • BME 55100: Tissue Engineering (cannot also count BME 59500: Principles of Tissue Engineering)
    • BME 58300: Advanced Biomaterials
    • BME 59500/CHE 59700: Principles of Tissue Engineering (cannot also count BME 59500: Tissue Engineering)
    • BME 59500/IE 59000: Design of Mobile Robots
    • BME 59500: Cell & Tissue Biomechanics
    • BME 59500: Electromechanical Robotic Systems
    • BME 59500: Regenerative Biology/Tissue Repair
    • CHE 54400: Structure and Physical Behavior of Polymeric Materials
    • ME 35200: Machine Design I
    • ME 36300: Principles & Practices of Manufacturing Processes
    • ME 44400: Computer-Aided Design & Prototyping
    • ME 48900: Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
    • ME 56200: Advanced Dynamics
    • ME 56900: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
    • MSE 33000: Processing and Properties of Materials
    • MSE 38200: Mechanical Response of Materials
    • MSE 52700: Introduction to Biomaterials
    • MSE 56200: Soft Materials
    • MSE 57600: Corrosion
  • Data Science Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB-DS)
    • BME 40100: Mathematical and Computational modeling in Biomedical Systems
    • BME 45000: Deep Learning and Medical Imaging
    • BME 50100: Multivariate Analyses in Biostatistics
    • BME 59500/51100: Biomedical Signal Processing
    • BME 59500/IE 59000: Complex Systs Theory & Appls
    • CS 31400: Numerical Methods
    • CS 38100: Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
    • IE 33500: Operations Research-Optimization
    • IE 33600: Operational Research-Stochastic Models
  • Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB)
    • ABE 30100: Numerical and computational modeling in biological engineering
    • ABE 45000: Finite element method in design and optimization
    • BME 59500: Continuum Models in Biomedical Engineering
    • MA 41600/STAT 41600: Probability
  • Technical Engineering Selectives
    • ABE 44000: Cell and Molecular Design Principles
    • BME 41000: Neural Engineering
    • BME 49500/43300: Biomedical Microscopy
    • BME 49500: Smart Healthcare Engineering
    • BME 55600: Intro to Clinical Medicine For Engineering Solutions
    • BME 59500: Healthcare Systems Engineering
    • CS 47100: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
    • ECE 47300: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB-DS)
    • CS 35500: Introduction to Cryptography
    • STAT 51200: Applied Regression Analysis
    • STAT 51400: Design of Experiments
  • Quantitative Breadth Courses (QB)
    • CHE 45600: Process Dynamics And Control
    • ECE 51000: Introduction to Biometrics (IUPUI)
    • IE 53300: Industrial Applications of Statistics
    • ME 30000: Thermodynamics II
    • ME 30800: Fluid Mechanics
    • ME 50900 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
    • ME 57700/BME 59500: Human Motion Kinetics
    • NUCL 57000: Fuzzy Approaches to Engineering
  • Technical Engineering Selectives
    • ABE 37000: Biological and Microbial Kinetics and Reaction Engineering
    • BME 49500/IE49000: Grand Challenges & Accessibility
    • BME 53000: Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Technologies
    • BME 58100: Fundamentals of MEMs and Micro-Integrated Systems
    • BME 59500: Cell Mechanics
    • BME 59500: Functional MRI Applications (1 Credit)
    • BME 59500: Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Technology
    • BME 59500: Point Of Care Diagnostics
    • BME 59500: Polymeric Biomaterials
    • BME 59500/IE 59000: Design Of Mobile Robots
    • CHE 34800: Chemical Reaction Engineering
    • CHE 52500: Biochemical Engineering
    • CHE 55700: Intelligent Systems in Process Engineering
    • CHE 59700/BME 59500: Principles of Tissue Engineering
    • CS 30700: Software Engineering
    • CS 33400: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
    • CS 34800: Information Systems
    • CS 40800: Software Testing
    • CS 44800: Introduction to Relational Database Systems
    • ECE 36200: Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing
    • ECE 36800: Data Structures
    • ECE 44100: Distributed Parameter Systems
    • ECE 51100: Psychophysics
    • IE 34300: Engineering Economics
    • IE 38600: Work Analysis & Design
    • IE 47200: Imagine, Model, and Make (300-Level Technical Elective)
    • IE 53000/STAT 51300: Quality Control
    • IE 54600: Economic Decisions in Engineering
    • IE 55800: Safety Engineering
    • IE 57700/PSY 57700: Human Factors in Engineering
    • IE 59000: Assistive Technology Practice
    • IE 59000: Human Factor and Medical Devices
    • MA 34100: Foundations of Analysis
    • ME 41300: Noise Control: Fundamentals of Acoustic Waves
    • ME 50500: Intermediate Heat Transfer
    • ME 50700: Laser Processing
    • ME 51300: Engineering Acoustics
    • ME 51700/CHE 51700: Nanoscale Physical Processes
    • ME 55600: Lubrication, Friction, & Wear
    • ME 58600: Microprocessors in Electromechanical Systems
    • ME 58800: Mechatronics-Integrated Design of Electro-Mechanical Systems
    • NUCL 30000: Nuclear Structure and Radiation Interactions
    • NUCL 47000: Fuel Cell Engineering
    • STAT 51300/IE 53000: Quality Control
  • Regulatory Technical Engineering Selectives (not required, but can only count one towards selectives)
    • BME 56100: Regulatory Preclinical and Clinical Study Design
    • BME 56200: Regulatory Approval of Biomedical Devices
    • BME 56300: Quality Systems for Regulatory Compliance