Academic Advising and Career Coaching

The undergraduate academic programs office has dedicated academic advisors and an undergraduate program director who assists you in reaching your academic, personal, and career goals. The academic advisors are here to facilitate your academic and career aspirations. In the Weldon School, it is all about you as we take a student-centered approach to help you reach your educational and professional goals. Regardless of where you are in preparing for your future, we are eager to assist you. Learn more about our philosophy

Academic Advisors: West Lafayette 

Darcy Allen

Undergraduate Senior Academic Advisor

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
206 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2032
(765) 494-2995

Mike Mifflin

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
206 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2032
(765) 496-0879


Academic Advisors: Indianapolis

Danny King

Assistant Director, Student Success

College of Engineering
799 W Michigan Street, ET 309D
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Career Coach: West Lafayette and Indianapolis

Darshini Render

Senior Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
206 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2032
(765) 494-2995

Communicating with Academic Advisors

Students who wish to communicate with the BME Academic Office or BME Academic Advisors must use their official Purdue email due to the confidential nature of the information discussed. Emails sent from external email services will not receive a response.

For Current BME Students


All current BME students are required to schedule appointments via Boiler Connect. The appointment type (virtual or in-person) is based on the advisor’s preference. Students should arrive no later than five (5) minutes before their appointment.

Registration: All current BME students will receive an email from their primary BME Academic Advisor outlining instructions for the registration process. Students will receive an additional email from their primary Academic Advisor via Boiler Connect inviting them to make a registration appointment. Students who show up to their appointment late and/or unprepared may not receive their PIN and/or have their CRF opened and may be forced to reschedule their appointment.

Drop-In Hours

Drop-Ins are for quick issues (see description below) and are only hosted during the school year. Drop-Ins are exclusively offered for current BME students; all others will be required to make an appointment. These hours are subject to change and will be posted in the BME undergraduate newsletter. Please see the front desk upon arrival. During winter and summer breaks, please schedule an appointment.


Issues taking longer than 10 minutes

  • Academic issues
  • Progression toward your degree changes
  • Your graduation time is extended
  • Your projected plan of study changes due to co-op, study abroad, or personal issues


Quick issues (taking less than 10 minutes)

  • To add, drop or modify a course
  • Signing up for research
  • Changing grade option to pass/not pass

Appointments, Non-BME Students

Non-BME students cannot meet with the Academic Advisors during the BME Registration campaign.

Outside of the BME Registration campaign, non-BME students are welcome to make an appointment with the Academic Advisors. The process differs by location.

  • Students in West Lafayette: please call the WL BME Academic Office at 765-494-2995 or stop by MJIS 1021 to set up an appointment
  • Students in Indianapolis: please email the Academic Advisor(s) in Indianapolis who are listed above.

Our Philosophy

Darcy Allen

As a member of the advising community, my goal and focus are to provide academic and professional support and information that is tailored to each student’s needs, goals, and interests by developing and maintaining an environment of respect and open communication. My advising philosophy is an individualized approach with each unique student, allowing for me to learn more about each student holistically and help them determine their path to achieve their short and long term academic and professional goals. I strive to create an environment of inclusivity to support the diverse campus population. It is important for me to build relationships with students to assist them in seeking out all the specific opportunities that brought them to Purdue.

Danny King

My philosophy of advising is to clear the way to help student achieve the goals that they want to achieve. Students don’t always know what they can do while in college, but they usually know what they want to achieve while they are here or at least know what they want to accomplish while they are here.

Mike Mifflin

My advising philosophy is centered on building and maintaining meaningful connections with students through an individualized approach. By understanding their unique goals and needs, I provide holistic support and guidance, helping them pursue excellence both as biomedical engineering students and as Purdue Boilermakers.

Darshini Render

I believe in the platinum rule; treat individuals how they want to be treated. I prioritize meeting each student where they are in the career development continuum and utilize an individualized approach to coach. I see career coaching as a holistic process, and I hold students accountable for their actions.