Biomedical Research Associates Group formed to provide ecosystem for post-doc/research scientist training and advancement

To train the best postdocs – that is the motivation behind the formation of the Biomedical Research Associates Group (BRAG). This new initiative at the Weldon School will strengthen the communication between faculty and the sizable group of postdocs, visiting scholars and research scientists in the department. The plan is to facilitate professional development via monthly workshops, seminars, or Q&A sessions for scientists in training as well as including postdocs to relevant faculty events such as grant review roundtable.

In September, BRAG hosted a lunch to launch the new group and solicit ideas from the community of scientists in training. The first Q&A session in October was titled “What I Wish I Knew as a Senior Postdoc,” and over the next few months BRAG is planning for sessions on topics such as preparing a job application, grant writing, and industrial partnerships. To engage faculty in the department to share their experiences and knowledge, the speakers and panel members are primarily from within the department, and the topics are based on suggestions and ideas directly from the postdoc community. So far, the responses from both faculty and postdocs have been very positive to BRAG and professional development tailored specifically to Ph.D. holding scientists. In addition to facilitating professional development with a purpose, the postdoc community are networking with the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student Association (BMEGSA) to share their postdoctoral experiences. These efforts align well with university-wide efforts to support post-Ph.D. scientists in training.