Purdue trustees approve named professorship for Irazoqui
Irazoqui was recommended for the professorship based on his pioneering work in the development of wireless implantable devices for electroceutical treatment of epilepsy, inflammation, urinary incontinence, and glaucoma. He established the Center for Implantable Devices, staffed by a College of Engineering Preeminent Team, receiving support from federal agencies and industry. Irazoqui, also a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is a leader in education, drawing from his research experience in his course on bioelectricity, taught as an online edX course in 2015 with more than 6,000 students from around the world.
The three key challenges in his area are module types for wireless power and data transfer, energy storage, and closed-loop neuromodulation with integrated biosensing. His team has demonstrated success in all three.
The center has developed devices for various potential applications, including monitoring and suppression of epileptic seizures, prosthesis control for injured military personnel, modulation of cardiac arrhythmias, treatment of depression, therapy for gastroparesis, a partial paralysis of the stomach, and monitoring and therapeutic modulation of intraocular pressure for glaucoma.
Irazoqui joined the Weldon School faculty in June 2005. More information about his research is available at https://engineering.purdue.edu/CID/.