Senior-design students present 20 innovations

Senior design project, StrideSmart, wins Purdue's Spark Challenge
Twenty innovative medical devices were demonstrated at the Purdue Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Senior Design Presentations on Dec. 15 at the Martin C. Jischke Hall of Biomedical Engineering to a packed house of nearly 200 industry representatives, faculty, staff, students, family, and friends. A popular vote selected the top three projects. The winners of the 2016 Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Best Senior Design Project were Alex Baker, Chloe Beach, Anjali Malik, and Raj Patel for their project, "StrideSmart: Gait Monitoring and Improvement in the Geriatric Population."

“StrideSmart” is a smart assistive cane attachment for the geriatric population to help monitor patient walking patterns and potentially prevent falls for users. The device would notify users of irregular walking patterns in real-time through a companion smartphone application. The team also recently won Purdue’s Spark Challenge on Friday, Dec. 9 with the device.

The 2nd place winner was the "autoCPR: Low-Cost Accessible CPR" team: Shadman Jubaer, Michael Dziekan, Vicki Sell, and Sudhanshu Manda. The 3rd place winner was the "Viratect: Portable Biosensor to Predict Outbreaks and Protect Lives" team: Jonathan Hsu, Axel Masquelin, Ryan Preston, and Andrew Witten.

Learn more about all of the senior design projects at: