Purdue BMES Chapter Recipient of 2012 Outstanding Outreach Award

Indiana State Fair activity
Our students guiding activities at the Indiana State Fair 2012
Accepting the award at the BMES 2012 awards ceremony were Kevin Blum (second from left), Johnny Zhang, and Alex Guerra. At far left is Rebecca Willits, chair of student affairs committee. At right is Richard Waugh, BMES president.
The Purdue student chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) received the 2012 Biomedical Engineering Society Outstanding Outreach Award.

The Purdue representatives gave a presentation in "How to..." at the Student Affairs and Chapter Development Session of the BMES Fall Meeting, held in Atlanta, Georgia, October 24-27th. The award  supported travel and registration for two chapter members.

According to their chapter development report, the Purdue chapter of BMES focuses on several specific areas to nurture and develop their members into well-rounded biomedical engineers, providing activities and events that hone the skills required both during the members' academic careers and their future endeavors. These activities include industry and professional development, social, outreach and mentoring activities, and included social cookouts and gatherings and a seminar series.

There are currently approximately 90 graduate student members and 180 undergraduate student members. In the 2011-2012 academic year, they helped host a distinguished speaker, held an all-day research symposium, assisted with the BME summer seminar series, and hosted an industrial roundtable networking dinner. Social activities included a graduate/undergraduate student picnic, a welcome back picnic, staff/faculty/student potluck lunches, a semiformal winter ball, an undergraduate cookout, and an ice cream social. In order to develop a deeper collaboration with other chapters, the Purdue students developed a Big 10 speaker exchange program.

Our chapter was incredibly busy with outreach activities, including a hands-on learning activity (Mentos and Coke) at local junior high schools, judging at a regional high school science fair, sponsoring activities at Purdue's Spring Fest and the Indiana State Fair, and numerous mentoring activities within our school.

Congratulations to our very busy, extremely active BMES chapter!