Dr. Feng Lin Named Outstanding Fellow

Feng Lin
Feng Lin on her graduation day at Purdue University.
Dr. Feng Lin, a Weldon School alumna from 2010, is the 2012 recipient of the PE Fellowship Outstanding Fellow Award from the Center for Disease Control.

Dr. Lin was assigned to the NCCHSTP/Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention in the CDC as part of her 2-year fellowship following her graduation from Purdue with a PhD in biomedical engineering, working with Professor Mark Lawley. She was initially assigned projects related to refining and applying an HIV disease progression and transmission model, developing dynamic compartmental models to examine the cost effectiveness of biomedical intervention to prevent HIV, and developing agent-based models to understand and predict HIV transmission within U.S. communities. She is now the Associate Director of Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research at Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, responsible for developing economic models to provide scientific evidence and decision support for drug value proposition and demonstration.

When asked about her experience at the CDC, she replied: "The 2-year Fellowship at CDC provided fantastic opportunities of sharpening my technical skills by solving public health problems, which built a solid foundation for me to pursue other compelling problems in broader healthcare industries."

Congratulations, Dr. Lin!