Purdue Honors Biomedical Engineering Graduate Students
The Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship was established by the Purdue Graduate School to provide support to outstanding Ph.D. candidates in their final year of writing. Doctoral candidates who have completed their coursework, passed their qualifying examinations, and have an approved dissertation proposal are eligible to apply. Todd Rickett is an MD/PhD candidate studying under Professor Riyi Shi. His work has been focused on "Experimental Therapies for Peripheral Nerve Injury with Short and Long Gaps".
Emily Gullotti, Art Chelbowski and Matthew Ward were all honored by the Purdue College of Engineering for their work in the classroom through the Estus H. and Vashti L. Magoon award. This honor recognizes outstanding teaching assistants and instructors. The selection is made by both faculty and students to recognize those students who were exemplary in their work as teaching assistants or instructors. Gullotti was recognized for her work in BME 205 and 206 - Analytical Methods for Biomolecular and Cellular Systems and the corresponding laboratory course, Chlebowski was recognized for BME 301 - Bioelectricity, and Ward for his work in BME 405 - Senior Design
The Committee for the Education of Teaching Assistants (CETA) sponsors the annual Celebration of Graduate Student Teaching Award. For every 50 graduate students, a department is allowed to nominate one Teaching Assistant for this annual award.
Art Chlebowski was the TA chosen to represent BME this year. Departmental winners are recognized at an annual banquet. Students selected for this award must have demonstrated excellence in teaching and mentoring at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. In addition, award winners should have accomplishments in service/outreach and scholarly publications. The Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Award is the highest award presented by the University in recognition of graduate student teachers.At the same luncheon, Jamie Brugnano was presented with the Outstanding Service Scholarship as recognition for her work with BMEGSA. Somali Chaterji and Umut Atakan Gurkan were recognized as outstanding graduate researchers.
Congratulations to all of our outstanding graduate student educators and researchers.