Gurkan Recipient of Geddes-Laufman-Greatbatch Award
The Geddes-Laufman-Greatbatch Award was established by Dr. Les Geddes after he received the 1987 AAMI Foundation/Laufman-Greatbatch Prize in recognition of the importance and unparalleled diversity of his contributions in biomedical instrumentation. The Award is presented each year to the oustanding student or post-doctoral fellow for an academic year.
Gurkan is originally from the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Turkey. He holds a double major in chemical engineering and mechanical engineering, plus has extensive electronics training from a specialty technical school. He joined Ozan Akkus' lab four years ago, and has flawlessly transitioned to the biomedical engineering environment. His current research project involves the development of the appropriate mechanical and physical environment of bone marrow to unleash its regenerative potential toward the treatment of middle sized bone defects/deformities. Others studies have been using cells derived from marrow for tissue engineering purposes; however, there have been no efforts in the literature toward the engineering of marrow "as is" for tissue regeneration purposes. Surgeons add marrow to constructs in the surgical theater to boost host-tissue response; however, it has never before been attempted to culture and condition marrow outside the body to be used for bone replacement.
In addition to his ground-breaking research, his nomination for the award also cited his exemplary publication and teaching records. It was also noted that Gurkan has an "uncanny ability to make things work the first time he tries."
Please join us in congratulating Umut Atakan Gurkan on his many fine accomplishments.