Quantum Computing I: Fundamentals

This fundamentals course is part 1 of the series of quantum computing courses and covers aspects from fundamentals to present-day hardware platforms to quantum software and programming. This course provides the essential foundations required to understand computing models built from the principles of quantum mechanics.
This course requires a minimal set of engineering and science prerequisites but will allow students to develop a physical and intuitive understanding of the topics.


Credit Hours:


Learning Objective:

  • Postulates of quantum mechanics
  • Gate-based quantum computing
  • Quantum errors and error correction
  • Adiabatic quantum computing
  • Quantum applications and NISQ-era


This fundamentals course is part 1 of the series of quantum computing courses and covers aspects from fundamentals to present-day hardware platforms to quantum software and programming. This course provides the essential foundations required to understand computing models built from the principles of quantum mechanics.

This course requires a minimal set of engineering and science prerequisites but will allow students to develop a physical and intuitive understanding of the topics.

Topics Covered:



Undergraduate linear algebra, differential equations, physics, and chemistry


Approximately 1 homework assignment/week


Two exams


Required: None
Recommended references: 1) Nielsen, M., & Chuang, I. (2010). Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511976667; 2) Learning Quantum Computation Using Qiskit

ProEd Minimum Requirements:
