Power Electronic Converters and Systems

Part 1 of the course addresses components and modeling techniques and considers three power converters - a dc/dc converter, an ac/dc power supply, and a dc/ac inverter. Detailed and average-value modeling concepts are presented, and detailed component controls are developed. Part 2 of the course focuses on systems of power electronic converters. In particular, the concept of negative impedance instability is explored using both linear and non-linear analysis methods.


Credit Hours:


Learning Objective:

The objective of this course is to educate students in the detailed modeling, average-value modeling, and control design of power electronics converters and systems of converters.


Part 1 of the course addresses components and modeling techniques and considers three power converters - a dc/dc converter, an ac/dc power supply, and a dc/ac inverter. Detailed and average-value modeling concepts are presented, and detailed component controls are developed. Part 2 of the course focuses on systems of power electronic converters. In particular, the concept of negative impedance instability is explored using both linear and non-linear analysis methods.

Topics Covered:

Components and Modeling Techniques; Component Design; Stability and System Control of Power Electronics Based Systems.


Basic knowledge of synchronous machines, three-phase inverters, reference frame theory, frequency domain and state-space linear control theory. Purdue ECE610 Energy Conversion and ECE602 Lumped System Theory or equivalent.

Applied / Theory:

50 / 50

Web Address:


Web Content:

Also using Blackboard for this course. Tools available on Blackboard: Grades and Lecture Notes.


Assigned weekly to every other week; submitted via email to sudhoff@purdue.edu.


No formal project, however, some homeworks will be significant.


Two exams and one final exam.


Official textbook information is now listed in the Schedule of Classes. NOTE: Textbook information is subject to be changed at any time at the discretion of the faculty member. If you have questions or concerns please contact the academic department.
Tentative: Required - Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems, 3rd Edition, by Krause, Wasynczuk, Sudhoff, Pekarek (ISBN978-1-118-02429-4, Wiley). Unpublished notes and papers will be provided by instructor.

Computer Requirements:

Students will need access to Matlab/Simulink.