Nuclear Reactor Theory I

Methodologies of neutron flux calculations, diffusion and slowing down theory, flux separation, material buckling, resonance absorption, Doppler effect, 2-group and multi-group theories, and reactivity balances for design and operation. Introduction to reactor kinetics, delayed neutrons, point reactor kinetics, transient behavior, load changes, reactivity feedback, and safety implications.


Credit Hours:



Methodologies of neutron flux calculations, diffusion and slowing down theory, flux separation, material buckling, resonance absorption, Doppler effect, 2-group and multi-group theories, and reactivity balances for design and operation. Introduction to reactor kinetics, delayed neutrons, point reactor kinetics, transient behavior, load changes, reactivity feedback, and safety implications.
Spring 2020 Syllabus

Topics Covered:


Basic concepts of radioactivity, nuclear binding energy, cross-sections, and nuclear fission which are covered by standard undergraduate courses on reactor physics and nuclear physics. Basic knowledge of solving ordinary differential equations and basic linear algebra concepts. Ability to use any standard coding language, e.g., Fortran, C, Matlab, Python, etc.

Applied / Theory:

30 / 70


One homework biweekly, one computer project involving authoring of computer code


Discretization of the multi-group diffusion equation into matrix equations and employing iterative methods for their solution


Two take-home exams, one at mid-term and the other representing final exam.


J. Duderstadt and L. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, Wiley, 1976

Computer Requirements:

ProEd minimum requirements. Students are expected to author computer code using any standard language to solve a set of equations in an iterative manner. Example languages include, MATLAB, C, FORTRAN, Python, etc.

ProEd Minimum Requirements:
