Mechanics of Composite Materials

This course provides students a background in modern composite materials which are being used in an ever-increasing range of applications and industries. Basic knowledge of composite materials will allow engineers to understand the issues associated with using these materials, as well as gain insight into how their usage differs from conventional materials such as metals, and ultimately be able to use composites to their fullest potential. Topics covered include: current and potential applications of composite materials, fibers, matrices, manufacturing methods for composites, anisotropic elasticity, micromechanics for determining mechanical properties of composite materials, classical laminated plate theory, failure and strength analysis of composite materials, and other advanced topics related to mechanics of composite materials. Spring 2021 Syllabus


Credit Hours:


Learning Objective:

On completing this course, the student shall be able to:
  1. Describe what are composite materials and their differences with respect to conventional materials such as metals
  2. Describe the challenges associated with the engineering design of composites
  3. Transform material properties between different coordinate systems
  4. Compute effective properties of composites
  5. Predict displacement/stress/strain of lamina and laminates under mechanical and hygrothermal loads
  6. Predict the strength and failure of lamina and laminates under mechanical and thermal loads


This course provides students a background in modern composite materials which are being used in an ever-increasing range of applications and industries. Basic knowledge of composite materials will allow engineers to understand the issues associated with using these materials, as well as gain insight into how their usage differs from conventional materials such as metals, and ultimately be able to use composites to their fullest potential. After a brief introduction to applications of composite materials, , fibers, matrices, manufacturing methods for composite materials and structures, this course covers anisotropic elasticity, micromechanics for determining mechanical properties of composite materials, classical lamination theory, failure and strength analysis of composite materials, and other advanced topics related to mechanics of composite materials and structures.

Topics Covered:

  1. Introduction to composite materials
  2. Anisotropic elasticity
  3. Introduction to micromechanics
  4. Classical lamination theory
  5. Strength and failure of composites
  6. Advanced topics related to mechanics of composite materials, depending on time availability 


AAE 55300 or Instructor's consent.

Applied / Theory:

30 / 70

Web Address:

Weekly assignments, typically consisting of 3-5 problems


Final exam will be scheduled by the university, and it is comprehensive and open book.


No textbook

Computer Requirements:

Students will discuss questions on Piazza. Zoom will be required for direct discussion with the TA/Instructor. Tools on cdmHub will be used for teaching and homework.
You can use some symbolic software such as Mathematica, maple, and matlab to help your homework and projects.