Introduction to Robotic Systems

The topics to be covered include: basic components of robotic systems; selection of coordinate frames; homogeneous transformations; solutions to kinematic equations; velocity and force/torque relations; manipulator dynamics in Lagrange's formulation; digital simulation of manipulator motion; motion planning; obstacle avoidance; controller design using the computed torque method; and classical controllers for manipulators. Basic knowledge of vector-matrix manipulations required.


Credit Hours:



The topics to be covered include: basic components of robotic systems; selection of coordinate frames; homogeneous transformations; solutions to kinematic equations; velocity and force/torque relations; manipulator dynamics in Lagrange's formulation; digital simulation of manipulator motion; motion planning; obstacle avoidance; controller design using the computed torque method; and classical controllers for manipulators.

Topics Covered:

Weeks Topic
1 1. Introduction A. Uses of robotic manipulators (0.5) B. Components of robotic systems (0.5)
3 2. Kinematics of Manipulators A. Selection of coordinate frames (0.5) B. Transformation matrices (1.5) C. Calculation of inverse solutions (1.0)
2 3. Velocities, Forces, Torques in Joint and Base Coordinates A. Differential motion (1) B. Velocity relations (0.5) C. Determination of forces, torques in a manipulator (0.5)
2 4. Dynamic Modeling A. Lagrange's energy expressions for a manipulator (1) B. Lagrange's equation of motion (1) C. Digital simulation of manipulator model
2 5. Trajectory Planning A. Joint trajectory (1) B. Cartesian path (1)
1.5 6. Pat Control of a Manipulator A. Classical system design (0.5) B. PID-controller design (0.5) C. Force-torque control (0.5)
2 7. Special Topics
2 Exams



Feedback system analysis and design (undergraduate level); digital controls system analysis and design (undergraduate level) 

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  1. Fundamentals for Control of Robotic Manipulators, A.J. Koivo, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1989, ISBN No. 0-471-85714-9 

ProEd Minimum Requirements:
