Intro to Quantum Science & Tech

This course introduces basic laws of quantum mechanics and provides an introduction to revolutionary quantum technologies. The boundary between classical and quantum physics, quantization of EM field and its consequences, quantum electromagnetic and atomic physics, and their applications in quantum communication, quantum computations, and quantum sensing are discussed. The course will allow students to develop a conceptual understanding of quantum phenomena and identifies engineering challenges of various quantum technologies.


Credit Hours:


Learning Objective:

  1. Apply fundamental quantum and mechanical principles to analyze simple quantum systems [1]
  2. Analyze the properties of quantum electrical circuits and electromagnetic fields [1]
  3. Analyze the interactions between (artificial) atoms and classical and quantum electromagnetic fields [1]
  4. Use engineering judgement to assess the capabilities and challenges of revolutionary quantum technologies [3,6,7]


This course introduces engineering students with no background in quantum mechanics to the fundamental concepts of quantum physics and how these principles are being used to create revolutionary quantum information technologies. The course aims to develop and understanding of quantum phenomena and identify engineering challenges and opportunities of various quantum information technologies. Topics covered include the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, the quantization of electrical circuits and electromagnetic fields, and the interactions between (artificial) atoms and electromagnetic fields. These topics are discussed in the context of popular hardware platforms and how they can be harnessed to create quantum computers, quantum communications systems, and quantum sensing systems.

Topics Covered:

Week # Lecture Topics
1 History of quantum mechanics; overview of quantum technologies; introduction to calculus of variations
2 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics (discrete and continuous systems)
3 Time-independent Schrodinger equation
4 Time-dependent Schrodinger equation; mathematical framework of quantum mechanics
5 Mathematical framework of quantum mechanics; uncertainty principle
6 Density matrix, introduction to quantum information; entanglement
7 Introduction to quantum computing; Grover's search algorithm
8 Quantization of electrical circuits and electromagnetic fields; Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures, coherent states
9 Driven quantum harmonic oscillators; time-dependent perturbation theory; two-level systems
10 Introduction to natural and artificial atoms (Superconducting circuits, quantum dots, Rydberg atoms, etc.)
11 Field-atom interactions (semiclassical analysis, driven Rabi oscillations, the Jaynes-Cummings model, vacuum Rabi oscillations)
12 Spontaneous and stimulated emission; beamsplitters; physical implementation of two-qubit logic gates
13 Single photon sources (Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment, Hong-Ou-Mandel effect); introduction to quantum communication systems
14 Introduction to quantum communication systems
15 Introduction to quantum sensors


Basic physics, linear algebra, differential equations, linear systems, and electromagnetics. Basic Python/Matlab programming to manipulate matrices and vectors.

Applied / Theory:



There will be weekly homework assignments with the exception of weeks when an exam is assigned. Homework will stop being assigned during the final 3-4 weeks of the semester to give students time to work on the course project.  All together, there will likely be ~8 or 9 homework assignments.


Students will independently study a topic related to quantum science and technology and prepare a short presentation (~15 minutes) to teach their classmates about the topic. The presentation will be recorded and students will participate in asynchronous Q&A to discuss each other's presentations.


There will be 2 exams done in an open-book format. Students will have ~1 week to complete the exams (they are like extended homework assignments).


D. A. B. Miller, Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers, Cambridge University Press, 1st ed., 2008

Computer Requirements:

Some homework and possibly exam questions will require doing simple calculations in a program like Matlab or Python. Students will need to manipulate vectors and matrices, as well as use built-in functions to perform actions like numerical integration. None of the scripts that will be written will require significant computational resources; a standard laptop should be more than sufficient.