Fuzzy Approaches In Engineering
Credit Hours:
3Topics Covered:
- Intellectual Framework
- Basics
- Fuzzy Models and Formal Structures
- Fuzzy Control
- General Principles of Rule-Based Systems Development and Limitations
- Advanced Topics
Applied / Theory:
50 / 50Homework:
A number of HW sets (4-6) will be given during the semester. These are typically problems from the book and should help with developing some computing skills with MATLAB as wellProjects:
Develop a project (preferably as a group effort) to (ideally) the level of a research publication. It involves writing a report and doing a class presentationTextbooks:
Tsoukalas, L.H., Uhrig, R.E., Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering, Wiley, New York, 1997.Hines, J.W., Matlab Supplement to Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering, Wiley, New York, 1997.