Educational Methods in Engineering

Each week, students must login for one hour via WebEx for LIVE participation in the class.


Credit Hours:


Learning Objective:

  • Reflect deeply on your teaching practices
  • Develop a syllabus for a course, including course policies for organization and management
  • Analyze classroom practices in terms of individual differences, motivation, and intended learning
  • Create a personal statement of teaching goals, methods, and philosophy
  • Select and implement a variety of instructional and assessment methods to address intended learning objectives



The purpose of this course is to expose you to methods used in teaching engineering. the goals are to contribute to your preparation for the teaching aspect of the professoriate and put you on path to being actively engaged in your development as an effective teacher. Specifically, this course is designed to help prepare you for college teaching, expand your horizons about teaching, make you think about and reflect on your teaching, and put you in touch with resources that can sustain your development as an effective teacher. This course is also designed to provide a small amount of practice with a variety of teaching practices.


Topics Covered:

This course is organized into three interwoven parts:

  • Teaching: Practical methods for teaching engineering students. This includes models of teaching, cooperative learning, educational technology, testing, and more.
  • Students: Practical applications of learning theories to increase educational achievement.
  • Artifact Creation: Teaching statement, unit of instruction, syllabus, test



This course is intended for graduate students who are interested in teaching engineering or related fields as part of their future career.


Applied / Theory:



Web Address:



Weekly reflections



There are 4 projects during the semester:

  1. Redesign of course syllabus
  2. Test development
  3. Unit of instructional design
  4. Teaching statement essay






Felder, R.M. & Brent, R. (2016). Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. 


Computer Requirements:

Microsoft Office.  A cameral is helpful.