Big Data for Reliability and Security

This course covers the theoretical aspects of big data for reliability and security and stresses the practical systems aspects of such techniques. There are two challenge programming problems based on large real-world datasets that we have collected and curated. Topics:
1. Foundational material on reliability and security
2. Data analytic techniques for dependability
3. Big data security and insecurity
4. Case studies and challenge problems


Credit Hours:


Learning Objective:

  • Formulate the reliability and the security requirements of a production system
  • Understand and develop big data techniques for improving reliability and security of computing systems
  • Construct software artifacts to instantiate the techniques for real-world datasets and under realistic conditions


This course covers the theoretical aspects of big data for reliability and security and stresses the practical systems aspects of such techniques. There are two challenge programming problems based on large real-world datasets that we have collected and curated. Topics:

  1. Foundational material on reliability and security
  2. Data analytic techniques for dependability
  3. Big data security and insecurity
  4. Case studies and challenge problems

Topics Covered:

Communications, Networking, Signal & Image Processing


Basic knowledge of probability and statistics; Python programming

Applied / Theory:

75 / 25


Quizzes and programming assignments


Final exam


All reading materials will be provided within the course.