SPI Coater (ARMS 2093)
Equipment Information
- Operational - - Under Maintenance - - Down -
- Au-Pd sputter coating
- C-fiber coating
Rates and Fees*
- Machine Rate: $5/use
- Staff Rate: $50/hour
- Training Fee: n/a
* Rates listed apply to Purdue University users only
Department Contacts
- Faculty P.O.C.: n/a
- Staff P.O.C.: Jameson Root
- Graduate Superuser: n/a
Safety Information
- When the C-fiber flash deposits, a very bright light is emitted that could potentially be harmful to your eyes; NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE C-UNIT DURING COATING
- Carbon fiber and particulate can pose an inhalation hazard; clean your lab station and use the provided dict tape to seal the C debris and prevent inhalation prior to disposal when you are finished working
Training and Lab Requirements
User Requirements
- Valid iLab account
- Subscription to the equipment listserv is required before access will be granted. Note: you will receive a confirmation email that you must read and reply to in order to complete registration
- View the appropriate online training videos prior to requesting training
- Training by department lab staff/superuser
Specimen and Equipment Requirements
- All specimens must be able to fully fit inside the glass vacuum chamber
- All specimens should be mounted on personally owned SEM stubs—do not use the publicly available stubs from the XL40 FESEM
Request Training
- Sputter Module Training Video
- C-Module Training Video
- Changing C-Fiber Training Video