Anter El-Azab
Contact Information
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045
WebEx Link
Ph.D. positions available
One Ph.D. opening is available in The Materials Theory Group starting fall of 2023. The group performs advanced theoretical and computational research in the areas of mesoscale plasticity and dislocation dynamics, hydrogen effects in metals, radiation effects in materials, microstructure evolution, phase field method development, phonon and electron thermal transport in crystalline solids, and computational methods for materials science and mechanics. The ideal applicant should have MS in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, or materials science and engineering, with some experience (graduate course and/or research) in microstructure science, elasticity, defects in crystalline solids, numerical methods, computational techniques such as finite element method, and an advanced programming language, e.g., Fortran or C++ or both. For inquiry please send an email to Professor El-Azab (
Dislocation dynamics, Mesoscale plasticity, Microstructure, Phase field methods, Radiation effects in materials, Defect disorder in oxides, Phonon and electron thermal transport, Computational methods in Materials Science.
- Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering, UCLA, 1994
Employment History
- Dr. El-Azab obtained his PhD in Nuclear Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1994, and his M.S. and B.S. in Nuclear Engineering, both from the University of Alexandria, Egypt in 1989 and 1986, respectively. After a brief research and teaching appointment at UCLA, Dr. El-Azab joined Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for six years as a research scientist in modeling and simulation in materials and nanoscale systems. He then joined Florida State University as an associate professor and then full professor of Computational Science, Materials Science, and Mechanical Engineering before coming to Purdue in 2012. He is currently a professor of Materials Science and Engineering and a professor of Nuclear Engineering (by Courtesy) and at Purdue University.
Research Interests
- MSE 697: Materials in Extreme Environments (Spring 2019)
- MSE 250: Physical Properties in Engineering Systems (Fall 2018)
- MSE 597: Dislocation Dynamics (Spring 2018)
- MSE 250: Physical Properties in Engineering Systems (Fall 2017)
- MSE 367: Materials Processing Laboratory (Spring 2017)
- MSE 697: Materials in Extreme Environments (Fall 2016)
- MSE 597: Dislocation Dynamics (Spring 2016)
- NUCL 320: Introduction to Materials for Nuclear Applications (Fall 2015)
Postdoctoral Scholars
Riccardo Civiero, post-doctoral associate